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dc.contributor.authorSporek, Pawełpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 100, Studia de Arte et Educatione 6 (2011), s. [64]-81pl
dc.description.abstractThe article concentrates on the functioning of materials in literature and culture textbooks for lower secondary school students. Its author reflects on a picture and its place in didactics. He situates the picture in the structure of textbooks as well as outlines a plan of reflection on its perception in a class situation. Analysing the chosen lower secondary school textbooks, Paweł Sporek enumerates four different functions performed by the visual material included in the textbooks, namely: the illustrative, decorative, instrumental and the ethical-aesthetic (autonomous) function. The last function is ascribed the key meaning in the course of the didactic process within teaching the humanities during the Polish language lessons in lower secondary schools.en
dc.subjectpodręczniki szkolnepl
dc.titleObraz we współczesnych podręcznikach szkolnych do języka polskiego. Refleksja nad książkami szkolnymi do literatury i kultury w gimnazjumpl
dc.title.alternativePaintings in the contemporary Polish language textbooks. Reflection on the literature and culture textbooks in lower secondary schoolen

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