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dc.contributor.authorTomczak, Katarzynapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 124, Studia de Arte et Educatione 7 (2012), s. [22]-36pl
dc.description.abstractThe essay presents problem of post-memory entity mediation in experience of the Holocaust. It analyzes three literary texts and presents concrete cases, in which the second generation of survivor's descendants are located in a specific position. Case one – declared to remember and loaded to this memory (Emanation of post-experience – The Pages In Between. A Holocaust Legacy of Two Families, One Home). The second case – involved in individual and collective remembrance, rooted in the heritage (Microhistory extracted from the secret – Sala’s Gift: My Mother’s Holocaust Story). The third case – sentient bond with emotions which are included in them (Melancholy madness – Song about the Mother and the Homeland). In consideration of the identity after Shoah the following concepts are relevant: memory, trauma, and history. Shoah as a traumatic experience is a challenge for the literature and historiography. Experience without any experience is a paradox. For the modern literary forms of post-memory, trace of its reconstruction become an encrypted text (intermediate surface).en
dc.titleTekst jako płaszczyzna mediatyzująca pomiędzy Zagładą a podmiotem postpamięci. Studium trzech przypadkówpl
dc.title.alternativeText as an intermediary between Holocaust and post-memory subject. Study of three casesen

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