2023, Studia Linguistica 18: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 28
Odolan – zagadkowa polska gwarowa nazwa kozłka lekarskiego (Valeriana officinalis L.)
(2023)The aim of the article is to investigate the origin of the Polish dialectal name odolan, which refers to valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.). On the basis of historical‑comparative analysis of the Slavic language material, ... -
Semantyka średniowiecznych wyrazów reprezentujących pojęcie MILCZENIE w świetle danych ze Słownika pojęciowego języka staropolskiego
(2023)In the article, the subject of description included continuous and discontinuous auto‑semantic lexical units used in the medieval language (until the end of the 15th century) which are a lexical representation of the ... -
O sobie samych – z historii przestępczych nazw złodziei (na materiale z XIX wieku)
(2023)The article concerns the history of Polish criminal jargon. The author presented 68 names of thieves. He extracted linguistic material from 19th‑century texts, but some of the collected units are much older. The author ... -
Profesor Tadeusz Szymański jako badacz leksyki prasłowiańskiej
(2023)The preliminary part of the study presents a scientific profile of Professor Tadeusz Szymański in the initial (over twenty years) period of his research activity at the Institute of Slavic Studies (Slavistics) of the ... -
Nazwy apelatywne dotyczące sarny w polskim i rosyjskim socjolekcie łowieckim – nazwy gatunkowe, nazwy określające płeć oraz nazwy istot młodych
(2023)The aim of the article is to present the terms concerning a roe‑ deer used by hunters in the 21st century. There were discussed the names of spices living in Poland and living in Russia, names specifying the sex of the ... -
Wspomnienia Julija Benešicia jako ważne źródło do dziejów wzajemnych chorwacko‑polskich kontaktów naukowo‑kulturalnych
(2023)The material substrate for the article are the reminiscences of that Croatian writer and philologist, published in book form in 1985. The article deals with the following aspects of activity of Julije Benešić during his ... -
Regionalne odmienności fonetyczne w świadomości językowej użytkowników Internetu
(2023)The article attempts to show what place phonetic phenomena occupy in the linguistic awareness of Poles. One aspect of the issue is analysed, namely how people without linguistic education treat regional pronunciation ... -
Sytuacja socjolingwistyczna mniejszości bułgarskiej na południowo‑wschodniej Ukrainie
(2023)The subject of the research is the Bulgarian minority living in the south‑eastern areas of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to present the sociolinguistic situation of this minority. Particular attention was paid to ... -
„Wielbłąd w uchu igielnym” – czyli o potrzebie zintegrowanych badań filologiczno‑biblijnych
(2023)The article deals with the problems of translation and interpretation of certain places in the biblical text. As a pretext for the considerations undertaken, the author used Tadeusz Szymański’s sketch published in the ... -
Nazwy wyrobów z mąki w mowie mieszkańców dawnych Kresów Południowo‑Wschodnich (na przykładzie kilku wsi z obwodu lwowskiego)
(2023)The aim of this article is to describe the generational characteristics of flour products in the speech of Poles of the former South‑Eastern borderlands on the example of several villages from the Lviv region. My analyses ... -
Typy zaburzeń językowych w zespole Aspergera
(2023)For many years, both the DSM‑ IV and ICD-10 have built up the misconception that there are no language disorders in Asperger’s syndrome. This has had a significant impact on the problems with the diagnosis of Asperger ... -
Patterns of dative case with meanings of ‘give’ and ‘do someone good’ in the Bulgarian dialects
(2023)In Bulgarian dialects across the linguistic continuum, relict (residual) forms of the nominal declension continue to function, which is one of the most essential features of the Old Bulgarian morphosyntax. Nowadays, ... -
Polish dialect kinship names according to the data in Volume 11. “Degrees of Kinship” of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas (preliminary results in a comparative perspective)
(2023)The article discusses data on kinship names in Polish dialects on the basis of an analysis of 82 linguistic maps and the comments to them from Volume 11. “Degrees of Kinship,” which has been prepared for publication by ... -
Porównania w listach emigracyjnych Joachima Lelewela pisanych do przyjaciół i znajomych
(2023)The subject of this study is comparisons extracted from Joachim Lelewel’s Polish‑ language émigré epistolary prose addressed to acquaintances and friends. A formal and semantic characterisation of the comparisons has ... -
Medyczne oraz lingwistyczne konteksty rozważań nad leksemem język i jego potencjałem frazeologicznym
(2023)The object of description in the following paper is the lexeme język. Linguistic analysis has been broadened by medical context, in which the author presents the content regarding the tongue as the first part of the ... -
Rodzina słowiańskich wyrazów dźwiękonaśladowczych opartych na pierwiastku *gra-. Słowotwórstwo i semantyka
(2023)Words containing the sound imitation element *gra-, extracted from dictionaries of all Slavic languages and dialects are presented. Their word‑forming development is discussed from interjection through verbs calling the ... -
Nazwiska delegatów na Polski Sejm Dzielnicowy w Poznaniu w 1918 roku
(2023)The subject of the article are names of delegates to the Polish District Parliament in Poznan in 1918. The authors undertook an anthroponomastic analysis which allowed to classify surnames on the basis of their motivation ...