Przeglądaj 2011, Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 9 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 24
Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie (1768–1835). Uczony, pedagog i pracownik książki polskiej
(2011)Jerzy Samuel Bandtkie was born in Lublin to a Lutheran family. He studied history and philology at the universities in Halle and Jena. Since 1798 he worked in Wroclaw as a teacher and a librarian. He was also a rector ... -
Biblioteki Galicji Zachodniej w służbie oświaty w dobie autonomii galicyjskiej
(2011)The article presents the activity of school and public libraries functioning in West Galicia between 1867 and 1918 and their influence on the society. It presents the activity and book collections of school libraries ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 104. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 9
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
„Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny” w setną rocznicę powstania (Historia uzupełniona na tle wyników badań z ostatniego dziesięciolecia)
(2011)On 17th December 2010 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny celebrated the 100th anniversary of the release of its first issue. It became an opportunity to summarize the research output of the last ten years in the field which ... -
„Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe” (1943–1944) – pismo Komitetu Obywatelskiego dla Spraw Opieki nad Polskimi Uchodźcami na Węgrzech
(2011)Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe, edited in Budapest by Edward Janus (Andrzej Stawar), was a cultural and educational organ of the Civilian Committee for the Welfare of Polish Refugees in Hungary. It was released from ... -
Zainteresowania twórcze lwowskiego środowiska historycznego okresu autonomii galicyjskiej w zakresie nauk pomocniczych historii
(2011)The Lviv historians can pride themselves in their achievements in the workshop disciplines, which developed alongside the basic and specialised ones, especially in the field of auxiliary sciences of history. The latter ... -
Historia i kultura ludowa w góralskiej trylogii Marii Kann
(2011)The works of Maria Kann are a significant contribution to the history of children and teenagers literature. The author started co-operating with scout papers in the 1930s and took part in the activities of the Polish ... -
Szkolony student – potencjalny klient
(2011)The article is based on a survey conducted among 1257 students of the Pedagogical University of Cracow in the academic year 2010/2011. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of library trainings and their ... -
La famiglia ideale... Portret rodziny Brunettich w kryminalnych powieściach Donny Leon
(2011)The article deals with the motif of a family in crime stories by the American writer Donna Leon. The family of the protagonist, Guido Brunetti, may be considered as a model. The relations between the protagonist and other ... -
Blog biblioteczny współczesną formą promocji biblioteki akademickiej: na przykładzie „Bibliodziennika”
(2011)A modern university library needs to employ new tools and methods of communication in order to meet the information requirements of the users. The necessity of a quick access to information led our library to utilize ... -
Demonologia w kopalni kreowanej przez Gustawa Morcinka
(2011)Underground demons appeared most often in Gustaw Morcinek’s novels rather than in his monographs or articles. They were not some fantastic or stylised creations of the writer’s imagination but were most probably based ... -
Krakowskie publikacje zakwestionowane przez cenzurę carską w latach 1865–1904
(2011)The article presents Cracovian publications banned by the Tsar’s censorship in the years 1865–1904 and describes the socio-cultural and political conditioning that had an influence on the book market in the Austrian and ... -
Działalność Domu Rekolekcyjnego OO. Jezuitów w Czechowicach-Dziedzicach w okresie międzywojennym
(2011)In 1905 Jesuits from the Galician Province of the Society of Jesus opened the Retreat House in Czechowice which was the first establishment of this type on the Polish lands. Until the outbreak of World War I many people, ... -
„Mieszkają w prawdziwym raju” (Możliwości badania jakości życia w Krakowie i we Lwowie w okresie autonomii galicyjskiej)
(2011)After the political changes that took place in 1867 in Austria-Hungary, the administrative capital city of the province called Galicia and Lodomeria was Lviv, and the second big city – sometimes called the second capital ... -
Szembekowie. Gałąź podolska
(2011)The Szembek family descended from Germany and settled on the Polish lands in the 16th century. Its members were engaged in trade, banking business and mining. They also sat in the Krakow’s city council and belonged to ... -
Kryptonim „Czytelnik”. Kulisy pewnego śledztwa z lat 1968–1969
(2011)In the times of the People’s Republic of Poland users of public libraries, frustrated with omnipresent censorship and ostentatious arrogance of the governmental and party authorities, placed short antinational, anti-Soviet ... -
Znaczenie różnorodności definiowania pojęcia „kultura informacyjna” w kształtowaniu polityki edukacyjnej
(2011)In her article Hanna Batorowska organizes terminology connected with the education of the users of broadly understood information and presents mutual relations between the terms that are interchangeably used in the Polish ... -
Kozak w Ogniem i mieczem – portret zbiorowy
(2011)H. Sienkiewicz’s novels that aimed to pluck up the national spirit provide a rich source for research on national stereotypes and their role in national self-definition of the Poles. Hetero-stereotypicality of Cossacks ...