Przeglądaj Debata Edukacyjna ; Nr 7/2014 według tytułu
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Debata Edukacyjna - Edukacja w całożyciowym rozwoju człowieka - nr 7/2014
(Instytut Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, 2014) -
Historical and pedagogical overview of non-formal education in the USA
(2014)The article draws attention to issues of school education in the United States. The author presents the historical and pedagogical overview of informal and afterschool education of the United States, highlighting the ... -
Institutional framework of manager training in agricultural universities of Ukraine
(2014)The article presents the normative framework of specialist training of bachelor, specialist, and master’s degrees in the uuniversities of Ukraine of the third-fourth accreditation levels. -
(2014) -
Labour migration as a form of expanding employee competencies
(2014)Transformations of work take place as a result of many factors. One of them is the scientific and technical progress. Years ago, significant progress has been made through automation, followed by robotics, and now the ... -
The legacy of lifelong learning : competences in active citizenship
(2014)Focusing on the relation between Education in general and Citizenship Education in particular some key questions come to the surface: Which kinds of new trends in learning are compatible for citizenship education? Which ... -
Standardization of education in higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland
(2014)In the article the curriculum of Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland) of educational and qualification level of bachelor with the specialization in “Philology” (English and literature) is considered and its comparing ... -
The state and perfection of non-formal education in Ukraine
(2014)The article is devoted to the state and perfection of non-formal education in Ukraine. The represented by theoretical and methodical aspects of developing the non-formal education. It was fixed that applying of the ... -
Роль внешкольного образования в предупреждении детской преступности, безнадзорности и беспризорности
(2014)In the article questions are examined in relation to the decision of important tasks of the educational and social politics sent to self-realization of child in society out-ofschool educational establishments, bringing ... -
Современное занятие в учреждении внешкольного образования в Украине
(2014)In article modern lesson in establishment of out-of-school education in Ukraine is characterized. Definition of educational lesson and general requirements to goal settings of lesson are given. Forms of lessons are ... -
Содержание подготовки будущих педагогов внешкольных учреждений по направлению „технологическое образование”
(2014)In the article presents main issues of the content of training future pedagog for non-formal education on the direction “Technology education”. Special attention is paid to the implementation of the content of the training ... -
Тенденции формирования управленческой культуры будущих инженеров железнодорожного транспорта Украины в процессе профессиональной подготовки
(2014)The article reveals the pedagogical paradigms and conceptual approaches to the formation of administrative culture of Railway Engineers in higher education, taking into account the leading trends in the development of ...