2008, Studia Linguistica 3: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-37 z 37
Nazwy terenowe wsi Gródek koło Gorlic
(2008)The purpose of the paper is to present some chosen topographical names within a given region with special respect of their semantics. Material presented in the paper was collected on the basis of cadastral surveys and ... -
O badaniach nad językiem epistolarnej spuścizny Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego. Kolejne dwa listy pisarza nieodnotowane w Nowym Korbucie
(2008)Considerations in the paper are focused on two questions: 1. the state of a study on language of ample mail of the most prolific Polish writer, J.I. Kraszewski; 2. description of two letters of the writer not recorded in ... -
Gwara w piśmiennictwie Jakuba Bojki
(2008)The paper presents Jakub Bojko’s literary and journalistic output. Jakub Bojko carried on his political, social, and educational activities for the benefit of the peasantry on the turn of the 19th century. By means of ... -
Nazwiska od nazw rzemieślników (na podstawie ksiąg metrykalnych dawnego dekanatu wadowickiego)
(2008)The article tries to show the formative process of proper nouns in the former deanery of Wadowice using examples of surnames formed from the names of handicraftsmen. Collected anthroponymic material includes 62 surnames ... -
Imię Jan w południowej Małopolsce w XVI-XVIII wieku (na podstawie Ksiąg gromadzkich wsi Kasina Wielka)
(2008)The name Jan/John is one of the most popular masculine names. It came to Polish together with religious vocabulary - the first Polish record dates from the year 1202. Material presented in the paper represents regional ... -
Językowo-kulturowy obraz wiatru w tradycji ludowej
(2008)The paper presents linguistic image of the wind fixed in Polish dialects and folk culture. The collected material includes different meanings of the lexical item ‘the wind’ as well as its derivations and other names of ... -
PRZYJAŹŃ jako wartość w rozumieniu gimnazjalistów
(2008)The paper concerns selected issues of ways of understanding PRZYJAŹŃ/FRIENDSHIP by comprehensive school pupils. Empirical study proves that pupils' interpretation of the word PRZYJAŻŃ/FRIENDSHIP goes beyond semantic frames ... -
Kilka ciekawych nazw naczyń z Księgi sądowej Uszwi dla wsi Zawada (1619-1788)
(2008)Some interesting names of vessels analyzed in detail in the paper belong to two groups: names of vessels used in brewing (achtel, półachtelek, kadź, kadka, przykadek, lij, szafrat) and names of vessels used in distilling ... -
Formy zwracania się do osób drugich w Ogrodzie fraszek Wacława Potockiego
(2008)Subjects covered in the paper are some Middle Polish forms of language etiquette, speech acts pointing to a characteristic model of linguistic politeness, polite expressions repeated in typical recurrent circumstances. ... -
Wokół polskich Nobli literackich
(2008)The paper concerns the procedures of awarding Polish writers, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Władysław Reymont, Czeslaw Miłosz, and Wisława Szymborska, the Nobel Prize. The author is interested not exactly in literary output of ... -
Donos i doniesienie jako gatunki tekstu
(2008)The paper is the result of study of the language used in documents of political police of PRL (Polish People’s Republic). Militiamen employed working in communication gender of denunciation giving it a new form and a new ... -
Połączenia apozycyjne z kręgu flory w utworach Stefana Żeromskiego
(2008)Subjects covered in the paper are forty three appositional compounds from the sphere of flora. They are compound verbal structures different in respect of frequency in different in respect of genre Stefan Żeromski’s works ... -
Nazwy własne w słownikach języka pisarzy: Jana Kochanowskiego, Jana Chryzostoma Paska i Adama Mickiewicza
(2008)The paper presents, by means of examples, different descriptions of -onym words (proper nouns) occurring in entries of dictionaries of the three mentioned in the title writers’ languages. In each of the dictionary under ... -
Rodzina wyrazowa rzeczownika krasa w poezji Józefa Bohdana Zaleskiego
(2008)In the paper a group of words used in J.B. Zaleski’s poems was characterized in respect of word formation and semantic structure. The group includes words derived directly or indirectly from the noun ‘krasa’/’beauty’ and ... -
Mistrz i Uczeń
(2008) -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 51. Studia Linguistica 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Socjologiczne uwarunkowania nazw osobowych w utworach Adolfa Dygasińskiego. Część II: Nazwiska
(2008)A. Dygasiński’s works may be considered as specific evidence of that epoch, from which one can infer what types of surnames were the most popular in different social groups in Poland, especially in Lesser Poland in the ...