2008, Studia Linguistica 4: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-36 z 36
Nazwiska od nazw zwierząt w dziewiętnastowiecznych księgach parafialnych dekanatu wadowickiego
(2008)In the paper surnames derived from names of mammals (both domestic and wild ones), birds (both domestic and wild ones), and insects were discussed. The author conducted etymological and formative analysis of 181 surnames. ... -
Nazwy zwierząt domowych w XVI-XVIII wieku (na postawie Ksiąg gromadzkich wsi Kasina Wielka)
(2008)In the paper names of domestic animals (homed cattle and horses) that occur in a relic of the southern part of Little Poland, i.e. in District Books of the Kasina Wielka Village (of the 16th—18th centuries) were presented. ... -
Nazwy ubrań w Księgach sądowych ziemi brzeskiej w XVI-XIX wieku
(2008)In this paper 32 names of clothes were discussed. Research material was based on authority of judicial books of the following villages: Jadowniki, Maszkienice, Iwkowa and Uszew. The books are relics that represent regional ... -
Litotes w polskim przymiotniku. Uwagi o kolokacjach przymiotnikowych
(2008)For some time past it is noticed that words considered as synonyms differ at least in collocations. An analysis of differences between typical collocations (understood as frequent word connections) of a group of synonymous ... -
Podstawy leksykalne w plateonimii Rzeszowa
(2008)The paper refers to not elaborated so far place names of Rzeszów. Conducted by the author linguistic analysis of ways of nominalization that is also an analysis of derivative type of place names of Rzeszów shows that a ... -
Banalne czy osobliwe? (o imionach w slangu studenckim)
(2008)The subject of an analysis in this paper are names that occurred in dialogues between students of eight universities in Krakow: AGH. ASP, UJ, WSP, AE, AR, AM, and AWF. Research material was gathered by participants in ... -
Słownictwo tekstów kierowanych do dzieci - zdrobnienia i spieszczenia
(2008)The subject of a linguistic observation is the specific layer of language that includes diminutives and baby-talk present in utterances addressed to children. Research material are dialogues between an adult and a child ... -
Metaforyczne środki przekazu w opowiadaniach uczniów klas trzecich edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
(2008)The paper focuses on metaphorical linguistic means that pupils of the third forms used in their short stories. Research material was gathered at the end of May 2005 and it makes a sample of 50 compositions - 32 written ... -
Językowe środki wartościowania negatywnego w wypowiedziach polityków
(2008)The subject of an analysis are means of negative valuing used by politicians and journalists in discussions on the radio. Research material was gathered from M. Olejnik’s series of programmes "Siódmy dzień tygodnia/ The ... -
Językowy obraz ziemi w powieści Wiesława Myśliwskiego Kamień na kamieniu
(2008)The paper is an attempt to describe the image of the earth, i.e. a part of the linguistic image of the world included in W. Myśliwski's novel. The source of the description of the image of the earth that was recorded in ... -
Profilowanie wartościujące pojęcia SNOBIZMU w programie telewizyjnym „Europa Da się Lubić"
(2008)The first part of the paper refers to definitions of snobbery and cognate words (snob, snobbish. snobbishly, to do sth out of sheer snobbery) that can be found in modern dictionaries of the Polish language (Słownik języka ... -
Słownictwo tematyczne w dyskursie edukacyjnym
(2008)The paper calls attention to the need of developing pupils’ linguistic and cultural competence by means of including thematic vocabulary into educational discourses. This vocabulary appears in thematic discourse in which ... -
Kolor biały i czerwony w poezji Józefa Bohdana Zaleskiego a współczesne teorie prototypu
(2008)The reference-point for conducted in the paper analysis of a vocabulary connected with white and red colours in poetic works by J.B. Zaleski are modern theories of prototypical categories. The notion of prototypical ... -
Siłaczka naszych czasów
(2008) -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 62. Studia Linguistica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2008) -
Frazeologia w listach Jana Niecisława Baudouina de Courtenaya
(2008)In linguistic and stylistic form of letters written by Jan Baudouin de Courtenay (especially those written to relatives and friends) references to the colloquial variant of language, also in the sphere of phraseology, can ...