Przeglądaj 2010, Studia Linguistica 5 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 29
Napisy na murach jako gatunek miejskiej polszczyzny pisanej
(2010)Wall inscriptions, i.e. “inscriptions, symbols, slogans, or pictures painted on building walls, brick walls, board fences, and in public places”, as part of the written language of an urban youth subculture, are seldom ... -
Teksty informacyjne w mieście – perspektywa odbiorcy
(2010)The article shows the wealth of colloquial language features in the city environment through the presence of texts in the city reality which are designed for collective receivers/recipients (eg. sign-board, information ... -
Nazwiska obce i hybrydalne mieszkańców Wadowic (w latach 1786–1939)
(2010)This article shows origins and attendance of foreign surnames in some parts of Wadowice since the second half of the 18th century till the first half of the 20th century. Appearance of foreign surnames in Wadowice and ... -
Podstawowe typy strukturalne nazw własnych współczesnych teatrów w Polsce
(2010)The subject of the article are the names of currently open Polish theatres. Attention is focused on the formal structure of the names, i.e. the number and type of the components of the official name of a theatre. Theatre ... -
Żeńskie imiona chrzestne w księgach urodzeń miasta Miechowa
(2010)In the present article, 115 Christian names of female children born between 1918 and 1939 have been presented and analysed. The source material is based on parish registers which are available in Miechow parochial ... -
Język mieszkańca wsi w środowisku miejskim (na przykładzie gwary spiskiej)
(2010)The article shows selected aspects of the means of communication used by dialect speakers outside their local environment, i.e. in the city, in contacts with standard language users. The examination was based on the ... -
Język polskich mieszkańców miasta Lidy na Grodzieńszczyźnie
(2010)The author of the article discusses the linguistic situation of Poles living in the town of Lida in Belarus. She characterizes the language system of those Polish speakers, and analyses inflectional and syntactic errors ... -
Jak się moja wieś "urbanizowała"
(2010)The article presents the demographic-sociological effects brought by the change of status of the town – earlier a village – Mszana Dolna when it received the municipal charter. The process of renaming the town’s streets ... -
Językowy wizerunek międzywojennego świata wileńskiej kultury utrwalony w „Almanachu Literackim” z 1926 roku
(2010)The article discusses the cultural-scientific heritage of Vilnius in the years 1905–1926 as preserved in ideonyms and chrematonyms that can be found in the 1926 issue of “Literary Almanac”. The onyms co-create six ... -
Imiona Sióstr Karmelitanek Dzieciątka Jezus z drugiej połowy XX wieku
(2010)This article contains an analysis of a specific group of names in Polish anthroponomy, namely names of nuns from the Catholic Religious Order of Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus. Name in this order ... -
Osobliwe słownictwo w dowcipach językowych opublikowanych w krakowskich i lwowskich czasopismach humorystycznych na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
(2010)The article presents lexical and semantic peculiarities found in puns published in Krakow and Lviv humour magazines at the turn of the 20th century. The lexical peculiarities include archaisms and obsolete expressions, ... -
Antroponimia warszawian w XVII wieku
(2010)The anthroponyms from the second half of the 17th century have been excerpted from documents containing real estate tariffs, published in Sources to Warsaw History. The article deals with names reflecting the name-giving ... -
Język reklam i ogłoszeń drobnych w górnośląskiej prasie okresu międzywojennego
(2010)The article concerns the history of the Silesian Polish in the first half of 1920s, which is exemplified by advertisements from two Polish papers published in Upper Silesia: “Katolik” and “Polonia”. The article contains ... -
Nazwy ulic Nowego i Starego Sącza
(2010)The aim of the article is the semantic and structural analysis of street names in Stary Sącz and Nowy Sącz. Apart from names formed in agreement with the Polish standard of naming streets and squares, individual names ... -
Nazwy współczesnych ulic i placów w miastach Warmii i Mazur
(2010)The names of urban objects may be subject to different classifications. Most commonly the analysed part has to meet the onomastic criteria of being a proper name. The part ulica, uliczka, aleja, plac (street, alley, ... -
Nazwy Wilna i jego mieszkańców w dokumentach Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego (WKL)
(2010)The author of the article discusses names of Wilno/Vilnius in the oldest Latin, Russian and Polish documents. He also analyses place names denoting the city, city districts, suburbs, streets and alleys, castles, towers, ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 80. Studia Linguistica 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2010) -
„Człowiek z miasta” w świetle tekstów regionalnych z przełomu XIX i XX wieku
(2010)The article presents the perception the city and its inhabitants in the imagination and behaviour of the inhabitants of Iwkowa, a village in the Malopolska region, in the poviat of Brzesko. The material underlying the ... -
Гродно в дневниках Зофьи Налковской
(2010)The article concerns the Grodno/Hrodna period of Nałkowska’s life. She introduced Hrodna to the pages of best works: ”Ściany świata”, ”Niedobra miłość”, ”Granica”, and ”Węzły życia”. The writer’s five-year stay in the ... -
Вобраз горада і яго жыхароў у беларускім фальклоры і творчасці Адама Міцкевіча
(2010)The article presents the influence of Adam Mickiewicz’s works on the development of the romantic movement in Belarusian literature, representatives of which are Jan Barszczewski, Aleksander Rypiński, and Władysław ...