2017, Studia Linguistica 12: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 40
Ogólna koncepcja metainformacji w Wielkim słowniku języka polskiego PAN
(2017)The term metainformation corresponds to the term outside matter introduced by Hartmann and James (1998) and refers to the all the information in a dictionary outside dictionary entries. The paper deals with the project ... -
Czy czyjaś osoba to osoba?
(2017)The aim of the article is to describe and explain the meaning of the Polish construction czyjaś osoba ‘the person of some person; persona’. The basis of investigations is the material culled out from the Polish corpora ... -
O pracach nad słownikami fleksyjnymi
(2017)The article presents the process of using the author’s and his associates’ experiences on the works of the academic Grammar of contemporary Polish language in creating inflexive Polish language dictionaries from a small ... -
Leksykalne wyznaczniki tożsamości małopolskiej
(2017)The article presents the dialect vocabulary referring to the human, characteristic of the Lesser Poland dialect. -
Kilka uwag o fleksji nieciągłych jednostek przymiotnikowych
(2017)The article presents an analysis of inflexive features of adjective idioms. The analysis proves that majority of adjective idioms are established as indeclinable units (characterized by fully syncretic forms), e.g. pełną ... -
Czy Słownik staropolski potrzebuje obrony?
(2017)The author presents a scientific methodology of a linguist – historian who works on vocabulary of the oldest, manuscript era of Polish language. Here are some examples of problems that need to be addressed by the author ... -
Skąd pochodzi pacynka?
(2017)The article offers an insight into the etymology of the Polish word pacynka with various meanings. There are several proposals for determining the origin of pacynka with the meaning ‘hand puppet’. These proposals are ... -
Ekspansywne i recesywne rodziny językowe w Europie (i świecie) od starożytności
(2017)The aim or the article is to show the selected tendencies in the development of the linguistic map of the world, undergoing constant change, the result of which is some languages spreading further, while others are not ... -
Piętnastowieczna nazwa królewskiego ptaka z herbu Polski
(2017)The authoress presents the fifteenth century gloss, found in the codex Antibolomenum Benedicti Parthi by Jan Stanko. The word sagan mentioned there, is a loan-word taken from the old-Czech language and means: white-tailed ... -
ТОСКА, czyli jak się mówi o smutku po rosyjsku i po polsku (na wybranych przykładach literackich)
(2017)The article focuses on ways of expressing sadness in Russian and Polish, particularly on the features of the linguo-cultural concept of ТОСКА, which is difficult to express in translation. Selected translation decisions ... -
Polski sukces sukcesu w świetle opracowań leksykograficznych i literatury popularnopsychologicznej
(2017)In her article the author discusses “success” – one of most important words defining the contemporary culture and people. She asks about the meaning of the word and compares its use in self-help books with the definition ... -
Semantyka historyczna – zakres badań i ich wyniki
(2017)The article presents the scope of research conducted within regard to historical semantics in Poland. Semanticists do research on the history of word’s and construction’s meaning. The sources of research materials ... -
Imię i jego formy w kręgach ziemiańskich – na materiale wspomnień
(2017)The article is between onomastics and sociolinguistics. The author shows the informal forms of names, which are used in Polish family of landed gentry in the beginning of XX century. The author carried out a word-formation ... -
Językowy autoportret malarza orientalisty w listach prywatnych Stanisława Chlebowskiego
(2017)The considerations set out in the article are the reason for the studies on idiolects of extraordinary creative persons of the past ages. The basis for the study is 487 private letters of a Sultan’s painter – Stanisław ... -
Obraz narzędzi rolniczych utrwalony w polskiej frazeologii i paremiologii
(2017)The object of analysis in this paper are fixedword combinations (phraseological units and proverbs) with components denoting names of agricultural tools. They were used to conceptualize numerous ideas connected not only ... -
O łacińskich zapożyczeniach prawnych w XVII-wiecznych statutach premonstrateńskich
(2017)Based on the hand-written text of the Premonstratensian Statutes created in 1692, the article describes the ways of including the legal terms borrowed from Latin into the Polish language. -
Czescy slawiści o języku polskim
(2017)On the basis of a comparison of Polish analytic nouns (e.g. sala gier) and their Czech equivalents (herna) characterised by suffixal word formation, it is possible to conclude that Czech shows a greater degree of ... -
Frazeologizmy gwarowe w komunikacji internetowej
(2017)The article discusses the way in which phrasemes of dialectal origin are transferred to the colloquial Polish language. The material basis includes the utterances of the Internet users posted on various kinds of forums ...