Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorBiolik, Mariapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 80, Studia Linguistica 5 (2010), s. [31]-39pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe names of urban objects may be subject to different classifications. Most commonly the analysed part has to meet the onomastic criteria of being a proper name. The part ulica, uliczka, aleja, plac (street, alley, square) in the urban microtoponymy is disregarded. Urban toponyms may be composed of one or many elements. Single part place names are streets commemorating writers, poets, revolutionaries, activists, etc., or street names derived from personal names, e.g. Adama Mickiewicza, Tadeusza Kościuszki; composed names are names of historical events, army formations, as in the case of Szarych Szeregów, Armii Ludowej, Sejmu Czteroletniego, etc., and are most commonly in the form of singular genitivus Names in the form of singular or plural genitivus Partyzantów, Dąbrowszczaków, Zuchów have been formed in the process of paradigmatic derivation. In urban microtoponymy it is very rare to form names in the process of suffix derivation; those are names of suffix structure with no equivalent in the appellative form in the dictionaries of the Polish language. Complex names are dominated by linguistic combinations. In urban place names of Warmia and Mazury commemorative place names are preferred, usually for real and fictional characters, and most frequently for famous Poles: Tadeusz Kościuszko and Adam Mickiewicz (38 times in 49 towns), Juliusz Słowacki (28), Henryk Sienkiewicz (27).en_EN
dc.titleNazwy współczesnych ulic i placów w miastach Warmii i Mazurpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeNames of contemporary streets and squares in the towns of Warmia and Mazuryen_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord