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dc.contributor.authorKoniusz, Elżbietapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 131, Studia Linguistica 8 (2013), s. [149]-156pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe author discusses the nineteenth-century variants of the toponym Skalbmierz/ Szkalmierz that occur in the works of Adolf Dygasiński: a novella whose action takes place in Skalbmierz, and the title of the manuscript of Słowniczek gwarowy od Szkalmierza [Dictionary of Dialects of Szkalmierz] given to Jan Karłowicz. The name of the town Skalbmierz (currently in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship) was well known to the writer since his childhood and youth. The author tries to determinate why Dygasiński used both variants of the toponym. The article presents the origins, and phonetic development of the toponym as well as source documentation. It also explains which of the variants is historically justified.en_EN
dc.titleNazwa miejscowa Skalbmierz w noweli i Szkalmierz w rękopiśmiennym słowniczku gwarowym Adolfa Dygasińskiego w świetle genezy toponimu i dokumentacji źródłowejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe name of the town Skalbmierz in the novella and Szkalmierz in the handwritten dictionary of dialects by Adolf Dygasiński in the light of the origin of the toponym and the source documentationen_EN

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