Przeglądaj 2013, Studia Linguistica 8 według daty wydania
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Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 131. Studia Linguistica 8
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013) -
O jedzeniu i pracy - na podstawie polskich przysłów
(2013)The selected proverbs point to the fact that eating is something obvious and natural, a repeated activity that aims at sating one’s appetite. Eating as a sign of life in proverbs has been contrasted with death. It is ... -
Od statystyki do metonimii : o tekstach literackich Janusza Korczaka
(2013)The article deals with literary texts written by Janusz Korczak that are presented against the background of the writer’s works in other genres and compared with samples from the prose of Ignacy Dąbrowski, a contemporary ... -
Co może być największym zagrożeniem dla polszczyzny następnych pokoleń? : jak przeciwstawiać się deprecjacji języka polskiego?
(2013)With regard to the issues discussed during the debate on The Polish Language of Four Generations that took place on 21st February 2012 in the Presidential Residence, the author tries to indicate the problems that the ... -
Motywy nadawania imion zwierzętom domowym w świetle Autobiografii na czterech łapach Doroty Sumińskiej
(2013)Zoonymy is a relatively new branch of onomastics that deals with animal names. It is increasingly popular among scholars given the growing importance of pets in human life. No longer seen predominantly as a source of ... -
Procesy adaptacyjne w języku polskich migrantów w Wielkiej Brytanii
(2013)The author writes about the adaptation processes that occur in the language of Polish migrants who immigrated to the United Kingdom after 2004. One of the features of bilingual speech of Poles living and working in Britain ... -
Pragmatyka wypowiedzi artystycznej w satyrach Mariana Hemara
(2013)The aim of the article is to present the circumstances of creating and understanding the satires by Marian Hemar. The first section of this paper focuses on the formula of composing the satires. The second section presents ... -
Specyfika funkcjonowania form adresatywnych w językach polskim i ukraińskim : (uwagi wstępne)
(2013)The paper presents the main features of the Polish and Ukrainian traditions of using forms of addresses. The main cultural and language differences are shown as determined by the potential of the Polish and Ukrainian ... -
O paradygmacie polskiego imperatywu
(2013)The article deals with the status of the Polish hortative forms with niech and their relationship to the imperative. Particular attention is paid to the 1st person forms, which are “interpretive” in the sense given to ... -
Nazwa miejscowa Skalbmierz w noweli i Szkalmierz w rękopiśmiennym słowniczku gwarowym Adolfa Dygasińskiego w świetle genezy toponimu i dokumentacji źródłowej
(2013)The author discusses the nineteenth-century variants of the toponym Skalbmierz/ Szkalmierz that occur in the works of Adolf Dygasiński: a novella whose action takes place in Skalbmierz, and the title of the manuscript ... -
Mieć miedziane / wytarte czoło - pochodzenie i losy frazeologizmu na tle pokrewnych konstrukcji w języku polskim
(2013)The aim of the article is a linguistic description of the set phrase mieć miedziane / wytarte czoło (to have a copper / worn forehead – ‘to lack ambition’). The author points to its peculiar etymology and to its formal ... -
Leksem miłosierdzie jako biblijne słowo klucz w Starym Testamencie
(2013)The article discusses different meanings of the word mercy, considering it a key word for the understanding of God’s revelation in the Old Testament. The complex interpretation of this word, especially in the personal, ... -
Nazwy kar w Księgach gromadzkich wsi Kasina Wielka
(2013)The author discusses a few interesting names of punishments, such as plagi (plagues), chłosta (whipping), miotełki (whisks), praszczęta (running the gauntlet), postronek (cord), kłoda (log), kuna (marten), gąsior (pillory), ... -
Podziemny świat soli zawarty w leksyce legend górników wielickich
(2013)The article deals with the vocabulary used by the occupational group of the miners from Wieliczka. The world represented in the legends of the miners includes two spheres: real and fantastic. The real sphere consist of ... -
Nazwiska kobiet w dziewiętnastowiecznych księgach metrykalnych z Pisarzowej (powiat limanowski)
(2013)The aim of the author is to show the methods of deriving feminine surnames from their masculine equivalents. The analysis is based on the names excerpted from the birth certificate registries from the nineteenth-century ... -
Nazwy własne i ich pochodne w polskiej współczesnej nomenklaturze kulinarnej
(2013)The article pertains to the culinary terminology that is contemporarily used in the Polish language. The main aim of the article is to define the scope and way of using proper names and their derivatives in the creation ... -
Miasto Lida w historii i twórczości Aleksandra Jurewicza
(2013)The article is based on novels by Aleksander Jurewicz that are a source of information about old times and the everyday life of the Poles living in Lida as well as their culture and language. With regard to the peculiarities ... -
Epistolarny autoportret męża i ojca w listach familijnych Adolfa Dygasińskiego
(2013)The analysis aims at reconstructing the linguistic image of the husband and father commemorated in the published family correspondence from the end of the nineteenth century. It is based on 277 letters sent by the writer ... -
Obiektywizacja i subiektywizacja języka w narracji dziennikarskiej
(2013)The article presents an analysis of a text selected from Rzeczpospolita daily newspaper, conducted from the standpoint of the theory of language. The author formulated a thesis that the theoretical assumptions of linguistics ...