Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 81-100 z 294
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 211. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016) -
Kultura dokumentacyjna – geneza, definicja, charakterystyka
(2013)The article presents a definition of documentation culture understood as the motivations, attitudes and behaviours of the authors and users of documentation that occur during its planned and effective creation, gathering, ... -
Wydawnictwo Harcerskie „Horyzonty” (1958–1976)
(2013)The article discusses the activity of the Scout Publishing House “Horyzonty” since its establishment in 1958 until its inclusion into the structures of the Youth Publishing Agency in 1976. It provides a detailed ... -
Науковий сеґмент в українському видавничому русі Центрально-Східної Європи, 1939–1945: інституційне забезпечення
(2013)Artykuł dotyczy segmentu naukowego w ukraińskim ruchu wydawniczym II wojny światowej. Przeanalizowano wpływ na ramy instytucjonalne nauki ukraińskiej destrukcyjnych działań ze strony ZSRR i reżimu nazistowskiego (zakaz ... -
Podręczniki szkolne i opracowania dydaktyczne w repertuarze wydawców lwowskich dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
(2013)The aim of the article is to present textbooks and teaching aids offered by the Lviv companies in the years 1919–1939. The statistical analysis shows that Lviv was an important publishing center which realized the ... -
Wybrane dokumenty archiwalne z lat 1842–1848 dotyczące powstania Księgarni Zagranicznej (Librairie étrangère) w Lipsku
(2013)The article refers to the research that was carried out about 25 years ago and focused on the life as well as the publishing and book-selling activity of Jan Nepomucen Bobrowicz, a participant of the November Uprising ... -
Dary dla bibliotek szkolnych na prowincji litewsko-białoruskiej w I połowie XIX wieku
(2013)The article discusses donations to the libraries of schools from the Vilnius School District in the first half of the 19th century. Information about these donations can be found in reports after visits at schools, in ... -
Biblioteki w protokołach wizytacyjnych klasztorów dominikańskich diecezji kamienieckiej z 1824 roku
(2013)Eleven monasteries of the Dominican Brothers and one of the Dominican Sisters existed in the area of the Diocese of Kamyanets-Podilskyi in the first half of the 19th century. Thanks to the visitations preserved from that ... -
Rękopiśmienna spuścizna Faustyna Ciecierskiego jako źródło do dziejów kultury intelektualnej dominikanów prowincji litewskiej początku XIX wieku
(2013)Faustyn Ciecierski, a Vilnius-based Dominican brother, left an interesting manuscript heritage. It includes Pamiętnik (The diary) from his exile to Siberia in the 1790s, Dziennik wizytatora (The journal of a visitor) ... -
Duchowość pasyjna w kręgu ksieni Magdaleny Doroty Daniłowiczówny (ok. 1607–1687)
(2013)Religiousness related to the Passion was developing particularly in the monastic circles and included practicing various forms of godliness, amongst others, handwritten and printed reflections. The 1641 translation of ... -
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski a Kronika Thietmara (czyli źródła historyczne powieści Lubonie)
(2013)The article presents the results of the research on the private book collection of J.I. Kraszewski whose historical novels were inseparably related to his gathering-antiquarian and scholarlyeditorial interests. The writer ... -
Uczeni o twórczości naukowej i publikowaniu: Jan Tur i jego zapomniana książka Nauka i uczony (1917)
(2013)The opinions of scholars about their own academic and literary achievements, their evaluation of the state of science and scientific writing as well as tips addressed to the young adepts of science are an important source ... -
Fragment księgozbioru kamedułów na Bielanach pod Warszawą w zbiorach Biblioteki Księży Marianów w Lublinie
(2013)The history of the Camaldolese library in Bielany near Warsaw is strongly related to the history of the hermitage that was founded by Vladislaus IV. The fall of the Noble’s Republic stopped the development of the hermitage ... -
Pokłosie Skargowskie: „książki polskie” o św. Kazimierzu Jagiellończyku (na tropach druku i egzemplarza)
(2013)The subject of attention as well as the bibliographic and librarian inquiry is the first biography of Saint Casimir that was written in Polish. The Saint was mentioned by Piotr Skarga in the seventh edition of Lives of ... -
Księgozbiór Rady Miasta Lwowa w okresie staropolskim
(2013)Like other institutions of this type in the old Polish period, the City Council of Lviv, the primary authority in the city, gathered its own book collection. It consisted of books as well as other bibliological documents, ...