Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 101-120 z 294
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 146. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 11
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013)Prezentowany tom zawiera zbiór rozpraw poświęconych historii książki, prasy i kulturze dokumentacyjnej, od okresu staropolskiego do czasów współczesnych, których Autorami są pracownicy naukowi od lat związani z Instytutem ... -
Uczeń zdolny – szansa czy zagrożenie?
(2009)Human talents constitute wealth for each community, therefore talented individuals should be taken care of from the earliest age in order to maintain their cognitive activity, awaken their interests, develop a creative ... -
Karola Estreichera biografia Mickiewiczowska w „Rozmaitościach” lwowskich
(2009)The biography of Mickiewicz by K. Estreicher entitled Mickiewicz Adam N. przez Placyda Szczep was published under a pseudonym in 1859 not in “Nowiny” but in “Rozmaitości”, a supplement of “Gazeta Lwowska”, no. 25-36 and ... -
Czytelnia Polska w Nowej Żadowie (1907–1945)
(2009)The implementation of constitutional citizens’ rights in the Duchy of Bukovina (Herzogtum Bukowina) looked entirely different than in Galicia of the autonomy period. As a result, the Bukovina Poles at the turn of the ... -
Nadwiślańskie ścieżki Mikołajka. Opowiadania René Goscinnego na polskim rynku wydawniczym
(2009)One of the best known artistic achievements of the duet René Goscinny and Jean Jacques Sempé was a series of stories about an unruly pupil Little Nicholas and his friends, published for the first time as a book at the ... -
Wstęp do baz danych. Podstawy wiedzy dla studentów informacji naukowej i bibliotekoznawstwa
(2009)The technological progress of the late 20th century made it possible to efficiently collect and process information and to render it available. The development of computerization and a global internet network has widely ... -
Serwis informacyjny jako maszyna medialna
(2009)Information service as a media machine is a model of a city’s internet portal customised to meet aesthetic and information needs of inhabitants of a post-modern city. Features of post-modernity indicated by architects, ... -
Miejsce sacrum w religii i kulturze
(2009)In the paper the author discusses various definitions of ‘culture’ and ‘the sacred’, placing them in a broader context of culture and religion. She points to three main sources of religiousness, namely: natural, psychic ... -
Działalność wydawnicza Polskiej Ludowej Akcji Niepodległościowej (1939–1944)
(2009)The Polish People’s Action for Independence (Polska Ludowa Akcja Niepodległościowa, PLAN) was one of the first underground organizations of the Polish Secret State (Polskie Państwo Podziemne). It did not play a particularly ... -
Historia w fantastyce – fantastyka w historii na przełomie XX i XXI w.
(2009)The text deals with the phenomenon which can be observed in the latest Polish fantasy literature, i.e. play with history. The author begins with a comparison of prose of two most renowned representatives of the Polish ... -
Pan Wołodyjowski Henryka Sienkiewicza w adaptacjach muzycznych
(2009)The paper discusses Henryk Skirmuntt’s adaptation of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Pan Wołodyjowski (Fire in the Steppe) for a musical drama. The author introduces the composer of the opera, libretto’s plot and its contents ... -
Autobiograficzne narracje Czesława Miłosza w poetyce wzywania
(2009)In Czesław Miłosz’s autobiographical narratives, written in the Orphic poetics of becoming visible, the past reveals itself as an “object”, which is there, passes or perpetually constitutes itself anew. The events and ... -
Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie: działalność kulturalno-oświatowa, naukowa i wydawnicza w latach 1939–1944
(2009)The Polish Institute in Budapest, founded in 1938, was a cultural and educational institution, subordinate to the Polish diplomatic service and cooperating with the Hungarian Ministry of Education, whose aim was to promote ... -
Instytucje związane z książką na łamach „Dziennika Polskiego” w latach 1945–1969. Część II. Wydawnictwa i księgarnie
(2009)In the first post-war years “Dziennik Polski” wrote about the re-birth of the publishing and bookselling market, about the already existing publishing houses and bookshops, the reopening of the pre-war ones and the ... -
Instytucje związane z książką na łamach „Dziennika Polskiego” w latach 1945–1969. Część I. Biblioteki i archiwa
(2009)Since its beginning, Kraków’s daily “Dziennik Polski”, published since February 4, 1945, has paid considerable attention to books and book-related institutions such as bookshops and libraries. In the years 1945–1969 there ...