Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 209
Polityka spójności Unii Europejskiej i jej implikacje dla Polski
(2007)Although the European Union is one of the richest parts of the world, there are striking internal disparities of income and opportunity between its regions. The entry of 10 new member countries in May 2004, whose incomes ... -
Problemy innowacyjności polskiej gospodarki w świetle Strategii Lizbońskiej na tle wybranych krajów Unii Europejskiej
(2007)In the contemporary global economy, innovations are the motor of growth, competitiveness, productivity and employment. Being aware of the importance of innovations in economy and trying to improve the European economic ... -
Samorząd terytorialny Republiki Węgierskiej
(2007)The Republic of Hungary belongs to unitary, decentralized countries; the local government plays an important role in the system of exercising authority. A strong position of the local government is guaranteed, among other ... -
Kontrowersje wokół francuskiego modelu kohabitacji
(2007)The article describe the laws and regime problematics in modern France. This article is concentrated on problems which follow from regime – law nature and they are connected with cohabitation politique situation, is that ... -
Ewolucja pozycji ustrojowej prezydenta Słowacji
(2007)The article is focused on the recent changes of the Slovak Constitution concerning the position of the President of the Republic of Slovakia. The changes were very important: among them was the vital change of the way ... -
Polityka Benito Mussoliniego wobec Żydów w latach 1922–1943
(2007)The way in which Italian fascism initially developed did not announce the eruption of racism and anti-Semitism in 1938. Until the alliance with Germany, the Jewish matter was never a subject of public debate and Italy ... -
Państwo Platona : idealna odpowiedź na nieidealne okoliczności
(2007)The article is an attempt to present Plato’s Politeia as an answer for a crisis state during the Peloponnesian War. It means that the philosophical utopia referred to the situation in Athens. The autor finds the evidence ... -
Ludwika Kulczyckiego krytyka doktryny anarchistycznej
(2007)Ludwik Kulczycki was a political writer, one of the first to present the political doctrine of anarchy to the Polish reader. His work “Modern Anarchism” (Anarchizm współczesny), written in 1902, as well as his later ... -
Wilhelma Feldmana obraz dziejów polskiej myśli politycznej
(2007)Already the contemporaries of the Editor of Cracovian “Critique” (“Krytyka”) acknowledged the paramount significance of his synthesis of the post-partition history of Polish political thought to educational and social ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 46. Studia Politologica 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2007) -
Prasowe pranie mózgu (na podstawie „Gazety Krakowskiej" 1949-1956)
(2004)The brainwashing is known as a range of procedures that are targeted at changing human personality and his way of thinking. It is manipulation of human behaviour, that is ‘purposeful and secret action which imposes false ... -
Współczesne szkolnictwo łużyckie - nadzieje i zagrożenia
(2004)Lusatians - also called Serbianlusatians or Lusatian Serbs (Lusatian name: Sorbia, Sorbian People, German name: Wenden, Sorben) - are the smallest of Slavic nations (about 60-100 thousand people) who inhabit mainly the ... -
Zakres długookresowego bezrobocia w powiecie żywieckim i metody jego ograniczania (1998-2001)
(2004)Process of constitutional transformation began in Poland in 1989 and brought about a lot of essential changes in people's life, especially in sphere of employment. Impetuous increasing number of unemployed in the beginning ... -
Rządowe programy informacyjne o Unii Europejskiej - refleksje politologiczne
(2004)Poland’s accession to the EU is a historic moment and was shown as an enormous chance by euroenthusiasts or as an almost satanic plot by eurosceptics. Discussion about the pros and cons of Poland’s accession to the EU ... -
Kościoły prawosławne i protestanckie wobec Unii Europejskiej
(2004)The extension of European structures is getting richer in a number of countries. With the higher number of states entering the process of European integration, the higher meaning in this process, beside he Roman Catholic ... -
Koncepcja chrześcijańskiej demokracji w encyklice Leona XIII Graves de communi
(2004)The subject of this article is a conception of the Christian Democratic Party in encyclical of pope Leon XIII Graves de communi. Leon XIII emphasizes that democracy is a political concept and it is one of the form political ... -
Potential contribution of Henri Bergson's philosophy to the theory and practice of service quality management
(2004)Niniejszy artykuł zawiera analizę wniosków z wybranych aspektów filozofii Henri Bergsona dla rozwoju teorii i praktyki zarządzania jakością, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zarządzania i pomiaru jakości w sektorze usług. ... -
Argumenty "za i przeciw" globalizacji w gospodarce światowej
(2004)The article considers the ongoing process of globalization in the world economy. The author tries to answer the question: what is the process of globalization in the world economy based on and what results does it ... -
Kierunki zmian struktury zatrudnienia według sektorów ekonomicznych w Polsce i wybranych krajach Europy Zachodniej w latach 1997-2002
(2004)In the article the author presents his considerations on the subject of changes that took place in the structure of employment in the Polish economy in the years 1997-2002. In the first part the author writes about the ... -
Referendum akcesyjne z 2003 r. Próba bilansu
(2004)The accession referendum in 2003 was the third referendum in the history of the III Polish Republic. Preparations took place in very compound socio-political conditions with dramatic fall of public trust for the political ...