Studia Historicolitteraria: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 491
Patent na piosenki. Wincentego Pola śpiew nie tylko z mogiły
(2018)This paper is an attempt at interpreting Wincenty Pol’s poetry, popularised in the form songs. Like most Romantic writers, the author of Pieśń o ziemi naszej regarded music as a unique discipline of asemantic art, i.e. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 263. Studia Historicolitteraria 18
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2018) -
„Gazeta Sądowa Warszawska” na tle polskiego XIX-wiecznego czasopiśmiennictwa prawniczego
(2013)The articleconsiders the origins and functioning of a newspaper that enjoyed considerable popularity on the 19th century press market. The Warsaw Juridical Newspaperplayed a significant role in the history of ... -
Polska proza fabularna na łamach „Czasu” w latach 1848–1900. Rekonesans
(2013)The article has a bibliographical character. Its main purpose is to set in order the columnar form of the articles published in “Czas”. The research is based on the issues published in the 19th century. It discusses: 1. ... -
Askenazy – zagadnienie literatury i literackości
(2013)The article discusses the relations between Szymon Askenazy, a well-known neo-romantic historian, and the literary circle as well as the influence of literature on his historiographical work. Askenazy was a professor of ... -
Wokół śmierci Henryka Sienkiewicza. Obraz pisarza w mowach funeralnych i poezji okolicznościowej
(2013)The death of Henryk Sienkiewicz had a huge impact on the Polish society. His compatriots as well as foreigners paid their last respects to the Nobel-winning novelist. The article shows how the image of the writer was ... -
Dionizy Jaczewski i inni polscy studenci w Uniwersytecie Kazańskim w latach 40. XIX wieku
(2013)The article presents the fate of Dionizy Jaczewski and other Polish students at the Kazan University in 1840s. The students were sentenced to exile for participating in Szymon Konarski’s conspiracy and moved from the ... -
Emancypantki, studentki i wyzwolone – o „kobiecych” powieściach Artura Gruszeckiego
(2013)Słomiany ogień (A Flash in the Pan) and U źródła wiedzy (At the Source of Knowledge) are the only works by Artur Gruszecki that address the issue of women’s role in the society. Neither of them has been critically analysed ... -
Powieść Władek Wincentego Kosiakiewicza w kontekście literatury adolescencyjnej
(2013)The article is devoted to analyzing and interpreting the plot and ideology in Wincenty Kosiakiewicz’s novel titled Władek, which was published in 1894. The work is regarded as an example of an adolescent novel. Its plot ... -
Między Nocą z 3-go na 4-ty Grudnia a Liściem akacji Walerego Przyborowskiego czyli początki polskiej powieści kryminalnej
(2013)The article analyses three early novels by Walery Przyborowski, i.e. Noc z 3-go na 4-ty Grudnia (The Night from the 3rd to 4th December),Liść akacji (A leaf of Acacia) and Czerwona skrzynia (A Red Chest) and a novel ... -
Dziennik czasu umierania. O Trzech miesiącach Józefa Narzymskiego
(2013)The novel Trzy miesiące (The Three Months) written by Józef Narzymski in 1873 is notable for two reasons. First, it is a unique biographical document. The author - whose place in the history of Poland was firmly established ... -
Pisać jak Gaboriau. O Po nitce do kłębka Kazimierza Chłędowskiego
(2013)When it comes to novels, the literary output of Kazimierz Chłędowski is often forgotten. It does not appear on the lists of compulsory readings nor in literary-historical syntheses and it is not the subject of scholarly ... -
Między romansem a powieścią społeczną. Wokół wybranych elementów prozy Józefa Dzierzkowskiego
(2013)The article discusses three novels written by J. Dzierzkowski in 1840s, i.e. Salon i ulica (The drawing room and the street), Kuglarze (The jugglers), Dla posagu (For a dowry). The writer follows the pattern of a modern ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 134. Studia Historicolitteraria 13
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2013) -
O narastaniu numinosum w powieściach Doroty Terakowskiej
(2011)Works by Terakowska depict a hero confronting the world, in the course of a journey which is so characteristic for the anxieties of adolescence and whose main purpose is to face the unknown. Rudolf Otto claims that numinosum ... -
Obraz morza w polskiej liryce dziecięcej
(2011)The author of the article refers to the opinions of researchers of literature for young readers as well as joins the description and interpretation of marine themes in children poetry, mainly in lyric poetry. The works ... -
Tove Jansson nieodkryta. Dorosłe lęki, dziecięce schronienia
(2011)The aim of the article is to outline some aspects of Tove Jansson’s writing in general, including the Moomin books and adult fiction (Sculptor’s Daughter, Fair Play, The Summer Book). The focus is on the relation between ... -
Niesamowity świat awiacji w międzywojennej nowelistyce Janusza Meissnera
(2011)The article is an attempt to analyse interwar fantastic short-stories written by Janusz Meissner. It focuses on the pioneering variety of fantastic fiction represented by Meissner’s works, which could be regarded as “aviation ... -
Lekcja nieuchronności losu. Roczniak Marjorie Kinnan-Rawlings
(2011)The article examines one of obligatory books for teenagers entitled: „The Yearling” by Marjorie Kinnan-Rawlings, published in the United States of America in 1938 and translated into Polish in 1947. The article considers ... -
Oczy twórcy. Petra Haliny Bielińskiej i Marii Krüger
(2011)The author of the article interprets the novel Petra written by sisters Halina Bielińska and Maria Krüger. The novel was published in 1957 (but written during World War II). Its action takes place in the 15th century and ...