Studia Historicolitteraria: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 161-180 z 491
Michaela Endego przypowieści o pragnieniach, wyobraźni i granicach. Szkoła Czarów
(2011)Michael Ende’s (1929–1995) collection The School of Magic and other stories (Die Zauberschule und andere Geschichten) was published for the first time in Polish in 2010. The book comprises nineteen pieces which differ as ... -
Między baśnią a mitem. W pustyni i w puszczy Henryka Sienkiewicza z perspektywy krytyki tematycznej
(2011)In the article, the author analyses relationships between Henryk Sienkiewicz’s In Desert and Wilderness and myth, folk magic tale and parable. She also discusses the problem of iconicity, i.e. the repetitiveness of pictures, ... -
Pochwała starości, czyli o małych dziewczynkach w poezji Wisławy Szymborskiej i Joanny Kulmowej (prolegomena)
(2011)Many poems by W. Szymborska and J. Kulmowa, especially those published in the latest poetry volumes, deal with old age. They are a poetic “farewell gesture” to one’s own works, which – as Anna Legeżyńska claims – is a ... -
Codzienność i świętowanie. Władysława Orkana twórczość dla młodzieży
(2011)The aim of the article was to analyse the origin and functions of Władysław Orkan’s writing addressed to the school-age young people from the interwar period and includes 17 novelettes and sketches, 13 of which were published ... -
Postać narratora w najnowszej polskiej literaturze dziecięcej
(2011)The article deals with contemporary Polish literature for children from the point of view of the narrative theory that is currently very popular within the humanities, especially in literary studies, and is still neglected ... -
Renaty Piątkowskiej opowiadania z ramą
(2011)Renata Piątkowska is an author of three volumes of stories for preschool children. The series is subject to mechanisms of repetitiveness among which characteristic is the presence of a framework as an implicit formula ... -
Od Ezopa do eposu dziecięcego
(2011)The article is an attempt to describe the genre evolution – from Aesop’s fable to children epic poetry. Under the term of children epic poetry the author classifies all epic forms addressed to children, both in verse and ... -
Rycerz, błazen, szaleniec. Literackie strategie „męskiego dyskursu” w prozie dla młodych czytelników
(2011)In the article, Grzegorz Leszczyński discusses the topic of so-called “books for boys”. By referring to the pragmatics of a work he proves the existence of the literary genre which has remained marginalized in literary ... -
Kopalnie króla Salomona Henry’ego Ridera Haggarda – w kręgu krytyki postkolonialnej
(2011)The text focuses on postcolonial analysis of King Solomon’s Mines by H.R. Haggard. The ideology of the text was showed in a wide historical, biographical and anthropological context with the essential background of literary ... -
Zaczytaj się zdrowo! Lecznicza moc lektur dla dzieci, młodzieży i rodziców
(2011)Bibliotherapy is an old concept in library science. “Psyches iatreion” (Healing-Place in a Soul) is a phrase that was reported to be an inscription on the sacred library of Ramses II in Thebes. Bibliotherapy is a kind of ... -
„Był sad…” Gdy klasykę czynimy lekturą dzieci
(2011)Polish education is dominated by national literature. That is why children’s contact with literary classics, which are usually addressed to adults, requires specific didactic procedures. During the work with the description ... -
Autoanaliza na podstawie baśni Białośnieżka i Różyczka Braci Grimm
(2011)Self-analysis made on the basis of a fairy tale selected from the Grimm fairy tales volume is an attempt to expose the original image which is inherent in every person, in this case in the author of the sketch about ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 101. Studia Historicolitteraria 11
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011)Artykuły zebrane w prezentowanym tomie „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria XI” dotyczą literatury przeznaczonej dla młodego odbiorcy. W zbiorze tym znajdują się omówienia utworów z ... -
Kategoria protagonizmu w twórczości senioralnej Mariana Pankowskiego
(2009)This paper is an attempt at a new viewing of Marian Pankowski’s prose, and in particular, of the senior works. The starting point is the category of protagonism, which functions as an invariable in the great majority of ... -
Językowy dialog z tradycją w Barbarze Radziwiłłównie z Jaworzna-Szczakowej Michała Witkowskiego
(2009)In “Barbara Radziwillowna”, Michał Witkowski uses typization, which is the intensity of features and extreme conventionalization of all elements of the presented world. This attitude is used to create a better relationship ... -
Wobec odmienności. Lubiewo Michała Witkowskiego
(2009)The article deals with the category of sexual diversity and presents gay literature from this perspective. The author differentiates between gay literary creation (gay and lesbian literature) and the inherent homoerotism ... -
Poziomy rzeczywistości w powieści Anny Janko Dziewczyna z zapałkami
(2009)Anna Janko’s “Dziewczyna z zapałkami” is an example of a popular antinomy: the expressible – the inexpressible. It also matches the dialectics of trace and presence. The division into two levels of reality reflects the ... -
Literatura a psychologia głębi. Ostatnie historie Olgi Tokarczuk czyli droga do indywiduacji C.G. Junga
(2009)Modern literary-scientific reflection, noticing the relation between literature and the depth psychology, takes advantage of its tools in literary research. The prose of Olga Tokarczuk, who not only explicitly admits her ... -
Jerzego Ficowskiego Bajędy z augustowskich lasów
(2009)In the 1980s, Jerzy Ficowski listened to some stories told by an elderly tale-teller, encountered accidentally on the Mazurian lake Serwy. He noted them down, trying to retain the atmosphere of the original. He thus created ... -
Prawda i nieprawda w felietonach prawniczych Aleksandra Pocieja
(2009)The subject of this article is description of the textual model of a feuilleton as a journalistic genre. On the basis of examples from the volume “Ręce na biurku” (Hands on the desk) , the author shows the narrative ...