Pokaż uproszczony rekord

dc.contributor.authorKarwatowska, Małgorzatapl_PL
dc.contributor.authorTymiakin, Leszekpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 31, Studia Logopaedica 1 (2006), s. [113]-130pl_PL
dc.description.abstractAnalyses presented in the paper reveals some regularities observed in the manner of verbalization of prohibition by the youth. The analyses also enable to estimate the quality of the sixth form students’ pragmatic competence including: 1) comparatively high grade of competence in the sphere of informing about the receiver and the sender of prohibition who usually are people making pupils/children behave in a definite way, i.e. teachers, parents, elder sisters and brothers; 2) systemically competent and essentially correct impacting knowledge about situations of occurring prohibition by means of showing spheres of human activity that language taboo refers to (prohibited topics); 3) clearly appearing two radical attitudes: accepting and rejecting prohibition, which may reflect expression of hesitation or ambivalent attitudes; 4) prohibition defined by most pupils by means of synonyms that effectively widen the scope of the defined notion; 5) producing by pupils utterances that indeed realize inducing function but have not typical features of the genre of prohibition, i.e. a) directives other than prohibition; b) non-directive genres; c) utterances the impressive function of which is not predominant. However, even if in the surface structure there is a verb other than to forbid, some utterances have pragmatically illocutionary force of prohibition in some situations. Just as it is difficult to refer a speech act to only one function, it similarly difficult to tell about a clear strictly definite speech act in everyday communication. A definite speech act must be define up by perception of all joined together communicative elements of an utterance, especially by interpretatively rich intonation.en_EN
dc.titleSprawność pragmatyczna uczniów szkół średnich (na przykładzie zakazu jako gatunku mowy)pl_PL
dc.title.alternativePragmatic efficiency of pupils in secondary schools (the example of PROHIBITION as a speech act)en_EN

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Pokaż uproszczony rekord