Przeglądaj 2006, Studia Logopaedica 1 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 41
Akty XIX-wiecznej etykiety grzecznościowej (w korespondencji Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego do Władysława Chodźkiewicza)
(2006)The paper deals with the issue from the field of speech act theory including a study of a collection of about 220 private letters dating from the latter part of the 19th century. Several speech acts like greetings, ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 31. Studia Logopaedica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006) -
Czasowniki percepcji wzrokowej w mówionym tekście sportowego komentarza telewizyjnego
(2006)The basis of the author’s considerations were utterances of sport commentators on TV analyzed with regarding the cognitive prism of especially preferable conjugation forms (including aspect, person, number, infinitives, ... -
Dialogiczność tekstów naukowych (educational linguistics a lingwistyka edukacyjna)
(2006)The purpose of the paper is to compare some basic terms used in educational linguistics in Poland and in the world. The terms are taken, on the one hand, from two books by T. Rittel: „Podstawy lingwistyki edukacyjnej. ... -
Jak diagnozować język ucznia? - propozycje dla logopedów i nauczycieli
(2006)The paper deals with a linguoeducational manner of diagnosing the levels of linguocul- tural competence acquisition by pupils suffering from dysarthria caused by children’s cerebral paralysis as well as by pupils slightly ... -
Jak uczyć dzieci dyslektyczne? - uwagi praktyka
(2006)The author of the paper emphasizes the necessity of preparing a minimum curriculum for dyslectic children. To adjust standard curricula properly to the needs and abilities of such a group of pupils, it is necessary to ... -
Jąkanie - zaburzeniem kognitywno-lingwistycznym
(2006)The author makes results of studies on language development by C.E. Hamre (1984) a starting-point of his own considerations to the sphere of normal fluent speech development as opposed to stutter (non-fluent) speech ... -
Kognitywizm a pragmatyka językowa w ujęciu lingwoedukacyjnym
(2006)The issue of relations between pragmatics and cognitive grammar becomes interesting especially within educational linguistics. Differences between pragmatics and traditional semantics lie in the spheres of interest: ... -
Komunikowanie przybliżone i relewancja w dyskursie szkolnym
(2006)Approximation in mathematics is an interesting idea of presenting particular elements of a continuum by means of throwing light on the continuum and replacing some values with other ones that are, for some reasons, more ... -
Konteksty pragmalingwistyczne definicji dziecięcych w dyskursie zaburzonym
(2006)The paper shows the necessity of taking into account pragmatic context in empirical linguistic researches on disordered discourse (of both children suffering from dysarthria and mentally handicapped). It results from the ... -
Konteksty słownictwa metaforycznego polskiego i obcego (na przykładzie metafory astronomicznej z "Pana Tadeusza")
(2006)Cultural space of educational discourse is filled with cultural translation metaphor. Cultural metaphor in texts by A. Mickiewicz, indicating so called common places (Lat loci communes), discovers definite sociocultural ... -
Kulturowy dyskurs edukacyjny. Cechy. Gramatyka. Tekstologia komunikacyjna
(2006)The paper deals with an extended description of communication formulating in comparison both with usual educational discourse and disordered logopaedic discourse. Cultural educational discourse is multitextual, processual, ... -
Lingwistyka edukacyjna jako nauka diagnozująca konstruowanie "gramatyk" proceduralnych
(2006)The subject of the paper is to show building, transforming and developing several “grammars”: these of children, primary and secondary school pupils, students and people with speech disorders. Linguistic competence ... -
Logoterapia w przypadkach głębokich zaburzeń komunikacji językowej
(2006)The author of the paper searches for an answer to the question: What are theoretical premises given to a language therapist in the situation of the lack of verbal communication with people suffering from autism, aphasia, ... -
Metafory a frazeologia w języku polityków (na przykładzie rozmów prowadzonych w TVP i Internecie)
(2006)The main issue of the paper is the aim of language metaphor using by politicians. The authors agree metaphor enables naming non-named spheres of reality - strongly conventionalized metaphors are used then, e.g. we should ... -
Metafory funeralne w kontekście kulturowym
(2006)Funeral metaphors refers to versified cemetery inscription collected from cemeteries of Kielce and its environs at the end of the 20th century. The metaphors, called in the paper applied metaphor, occurs in schematic ... -
Metafory w dyskursie edukacyjnym (na marginesie książki Lynne Cameron)
(2006)The paper focuses on the history of metaphor in linguistic studies of the past half-century. Metaphor as a way of thinking and explaining reality has become a subject of careful research especially in the spheres of ...