Artykuły naukowe (WP): Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 560
Odpis „dokumentu” NSZZ „Solidarność”
(2013) -
Nauczanie pierwszej pomocy w Europie
(2013)The ability to give first aid is one of the most useful abilities in everyday life, particularly nowadays, when an individual has to face more and more challenges and threats. Society’s ageing, stress and civilization ... -
Wyzwania edukacji obywatelskiej w Polsce
(2013)The picture of the Polish society, the changes that took place in the period of deep transformations in the countries of the Central and Eastern Europe, do not look good when citizenship is concerned. The activity of the ... -
Kompetencje prozdrowotne młodzieży wyzwaniem współczesnej edukacji
(2013)The theoretical part of the article describes the common meaning of health, health deter-minants and disease risk factors. Taking into account that one of the health determinants is our lifestyle, formation of competences ... -
Wokół staropolskiego pojmowania bezpieczeństwa narodowego
(2013)In the 16th and 17th century, Poland was one of the countries which had conducted the greatest number of wars in Europe. Due to that fact, the Polish society lived in a constant threat and the national security was weaker ... -
Umiędzynarodowiony Trybunał w Timorze Wschodnim jako przykład nowego zjawiska w sądownictwie międzynarodowym
(2013)The paper refers to internationalized criminal tribunals and focuses on the Special Panels in East Timor. The Tribunal is an example of a broader issue in international law, namely an individual’s responsibility for the ... -
Samopoczucie i bezpieczeństwo uczniów w szkole – efekt wdrażania programów naprawczych
(2013)In the recent years, issues related to school safety have been the subject of numerous lectures and extensive research. Changes that took place in the society, including changes in education, have caused a number of ... -
Systemy antyrakietowe zimnej wojny – uwarunkowania strategiczne
(2013)The aim of the paper is to present the strategic framework of the anti-ballistic defense development during the Cold War. The paper focuses on the impact of the anti-ballistic defense programs on the Cold War balance of ... -
Jakość kształcenia nauczycieli edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa w opinii studentów Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. KEN w Krakowie
(2013)The aim of the paper is to present the outcome of the evaluation survey on the quality of education. The analysis is based on quantitative and qualitative research carried out among the students of the Chair of Security ... -
Społeczeństwo obywatelskie w myśli filozofów i socjologów niemieckich
(2013)Civil society is a specific form of society. It is characterized by a high degree of collective self-awareness which is divided into cognitive and normative self-awareness. The role of civic self-consciousness is significant ... -
Nowe spojrzenie na gry Penneya
(2013)The problem of gaming is an important part of the educational process on all levels of Mathematics teaching. In this work we present certain stochastic problems, based on the so-called Penney games. It provides ... -
Konceptualizacja świata w neologizmach dziecięcych
(2013)Being influenced by school education, younger children aim at transforming common words (pseudoterms) into scientific terms, i.e. compliant with the current scientific knowledge. One of the ways of categorizing terminology ... -
Twórczość plastyczna osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną jako forma komunikacji ze światem
(2015)The plastic creativity of people with intellectual disability is an extremely interesting phenomenon in our culture. It is not only a new quality, but also a medium, a meeting of a recipient with a reality of a disabled ... -
Organizacje samopomocowe jako forma wsparcia dorosłych osób z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz ich rodzin
(2015)The uncertainty connected with the future of growing up people with mental disabilities includes such areas of life as employment, creating a family, care, and finances. Caregivers and therapists are asking themselves ... -
Wsparcie społeczne adolescentów z zaburzeniami psychicznymi
(2015)The aim of this paper is to present the meaning of social support for adolescents with mental disorders in the context of their difficulties with interpersonal functioning. The first part presents the theory behind social ... -
Funkcjonowanie dziecka z epilepsją w przestrzeni szkolnej
(2015)Epilepsy is a nervous system disorder, which is characterized by a complex and often quite complicated etiology. The essence of the disorders is an incorrect bioelectric brain function, which leads to the occurrence of ... -
Poradnictwo i pomoc psychologiczno-pedagogiczna w procesie rehabilitacji dziecka z niepełnosprawnością
(2015)This article presents the role and importance of counseling and psychological and pedagogical help in the process of rehabilitation of children with disabilities. The first part of the article focuses on explaining such ...