Browsing 2011, Studia de Cultura 2 by Title
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Foto-teksty? W poszukiwaniu narzędzia analizy współczesnej artystycznej fotografii dokumentalnej
(2011)A term "photo-text" emphasizes a contemporary change in visual culture researches, where photography is a link between a photographed object and its cultural meaning. In a book titled “Phototextuality” Andrea Noble and ... -
Fotografia i jej filmowe reprezentacje
(2011)In the article the author discusses the way of showing photography in films. Photography is defined here: as a single picture, an act of taking a photo and as a specific way of expressing and discovering reality. The ... -
Fotografik w kostnicy – o ukazaniu osoby zmarłej w sztuce współczesnej
(2011)What is death in contemporary world? “Faked”, multiplied by movies and games, it becomes standard, it doesn’t frighten. In contemporary world the second type of death is taboo. It is pushed out of consciousness. Man ... -
Informacja, interpretacja czy ideologizacja? Katastrofa pod Smoleńskiem na fotografiach dziennikarskich
(2011)The article aims to present the results of the analysis of journalistic photography dedicated to Smolensk air crash. The article contains the analysis of images from different segments of the Polish press: newspapers, ... -
Kairos fotografii – moment i wartość
(2011)Since we have handed over the manufacturing process to machines, the art-photography reaches the limit where creation is identified with cropping. The article essentially focuses on works by Georges Rousse, who can hardly ... -
Krótko o historii fotografii wojennej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbiorów Muzeum Zeppelinów w Friedrichshafen z okresu I wojny światowej
(2011)The author of the article focuses on the description of war photography which she classifies as journal photography. She points out that the development of this type of photography was considerably influenced by social ... -
Od Redaktorów
(2011) -
Plakat filmowy jako forma komunikacji marketingowej
(2011)The aim of the article is to investigate a film poster as a marketing message in 1990–2010. 1990 marks a borderline in Polish culture. However, after years of monopoly, Polish films disappeared from cinemas. Thus, there ... -
Projekt Świat. Fotografie dzieci z Jasionki i Krzywej jako tekst zmącony
(2011)The text refers to ideological aspects of the collaborative photography project Świat. Fotografie dzieci z Jasionki i Krzywej. Communication ambiguity and plurality of authors and recipients of the text cause that it is ... -
„Trzeci sens” – pomiędzy potencją znaczenia a teorią interpretacji
(2011)The reflection on the theory of interpretation described in this article is based on the text “The Third Meaning” by Roland Barthes. Analyzing photographs from the Eisenstein’s films Barthes tries to name a moment of ... -
Współczesny świat w obiektywie Marcina Maciejowskiego: realizm medialny
(2011)The article deals with the works of Marcin Maciejowski in the perspective of intermedia connections of his works with photography, film and painting. The author of the article is particularly interested in tracing the ... -
Wykorzystanie fotografii we współczesnych badaniach folklorystycznych
(2011)Contemporary folklore studies use photographs, especially family snapshots, to conduct narrative interviews in the course of a field work. They treat photography, which has broken the monopoly of spoken word in traditional ... -
Wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technik komputerowych do pomiaru emocji na podstawie badania fotografii
(2011)The article presents the technology of eyetracking and the possibilities of using it in computer analysis of the perception of images in a photograph. The traditional method of reading emotions observed in a photograph ...