Przeglądaj 2012, Studia de Cultura 3 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-12 z 12
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 112. Studia de Cultura 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012)Oddajemy do rąk Czytelników kolejny numer „Studia de Cultura”. Tom niniejszy stanowi drugą część całości poświęconej fotografii. Wszystkie artykuły – zeszytu obecnego oraz wcześniejszego – zostały pogrupowane w osiem ... -
Fotoamator: Piotr Śpiewla (1905–1978)
(2012)The article presents a photographer from the Polish village Zembrzyce, Piotr Śpiewla, who started his adventure with photography in the 1920s. Trying to rediscover his story, the author confronts his image presented in ... -
Fotografia i historia w narracji Leszka Szarugi (powieść Zdjęcie)
(2012)Leszek Szaruga’s novel is built by two interweaving narrative sequences which may be arbitrarily called photographic and historical ones. Photography and history function here through literature, in a closed off and ... -
Fotografia w kampanii politycznej – cele a rzeczywistość. Przykład parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej na Słowacji w 2010 r.
(2012)The article presents the analysis of political campaigns for parliament elections in Slovakia in 2010. It focuses mainly on the use of photographs on billboards. The authors present their own typology of factors affecting ... -
Fotografia w regionalnej edukacji polonistycznej. Przypadek szczególny: Nowa Huta
(2012)The article reflects on the possibilities of using photography in the contemporary regional education. Using the example of the rich iconography of Nowa Huta, the ways of presenting it in the district’s public sphere ... -
Fotograficzne wydawnictwa seryjne a ruch amatorski w XX wieku
(2012)The article discusses serial publications counted among the literature on photography, which appeared in the 20th century in Poland. Attention is paid to their suitability for amateur photographers. -
Fotokast - renesans diaporamy w społeczeństwie informacyjnym
(2012)A photocast is a multimedia presentation, several minutes long, of a topical collection of photographs, sometimes complemented with video sequences. Unlike a traditional slideshow consisting of an image and the accompanying ... -
Mitologizacja przekazu : fotografie na okładkach Pokuty Iana McEwana
(2012)Photographs (by Chris Frazer Smith, Fritz Metsch, and also film stills) placed on the covers of Ian McEwan’s Atonement function in the non-iconic context of title, advertising buzz-words, and intermedial references to ... -
Oblicza fantazji – Joel-Peter Witkin
(2012)The article contains two parts. In the first, the Author describes the theoretical background for analysing the photographs by an American controversial artist – Joel-Peter Witkin; the analysis is carried out in the ... -
Opowieści erotyczno-tanatyczne. O fotografiach Cindy Sherman
(2012)The text covers the coexistence of libido and the death drive in Cindy Sherman’s art. Her photographs show morphing, repulsive bodies. Photography as such is characterised by the two above-mentioned opposite drives: it ... -
Przeszłość czarująca obrazem. Wykorzystanie fotografii w angielskiej edukacji historycznej
(2012)Using photographs in English history teaching shows pupils the diversity of the past. Photos help understand history. We should remember that every teacher in Great Britain knows how to use sources in teaching about the ... -
Stereotypizacja fotograficzna w prasie codziennej
(2012)The article discusses the issue of stereotypes and their presentation in the opinion-forming press. The study is a part of more comprehensive research focusing on negative attitudes (stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, ...