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dc.contributor.authorOgonowska, Agnieszkapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 88, Studia de Cultura 1 (2010), s. [135]-145pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe subject matter of this article includes the beginning of Michael Jackson’s career, his presence in the media, the strategies of creating his public identity as a pop-culture star and a celebrity, his significance in the pop music and the modern pop culture, the strategies of the star’s “struggling” with fame and his fans’ expectations, and the issue of “Jackson” being a product of culture, which continues to exist and develop even after the death of the real person.en_EN
dc.subjectMichael Jacksonen_EN
dc.subjectstar of pop-cultureen_EN
dc.subjectcreations of identitiesen_EN
dc.subjectpublic imageen_EN
dc.subjectpop cultureen_EN
dc.subjectpolitic of bodyen_EN
dc.title„Król popu nie żyje! Zapraszamy Państwa na spektakl”. Śmierć i umieranie w kulturze celebrytówpl_PL
dc.title.alternative“The King of Pop is dead! Come to see the show” – Death and dying in the celebrities cultureen_EN

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