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dc.contributor.authorŚwiątek, Pawełpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 168, Studia de Cultura 6 (2014), s. [95]-105pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe article describes the phenomenon of "serious games", which take different names in the Polish research circle. The main issue of the article is the description of the most important subgenres together with the examples, as well as an attempt to describe the possibilities of using the serious games in education (and in raising the workers' competences), especially in the perspective of increased AR technology availability.en_EN
dc.subjectgry użytkowepl_PL
dc.subjectgry na seriopl_PL
dc.subjectgry perswazyjnepl_PL
dc.subjectgry edukacyjnepl_PL
dc.subjectrzeczywistość poszerzonapl_PL
dc.subjectgamifikacja naukipl_PL
dc.subjectserious gamesen_EN
dc.subjectAugmented Realityen_EN
dc.subjectgamification of learningen_EN
dc.titleRodzaje gier użytkowych (serious games) oraz ich zastosowanie w edukacji – opis zjawiskapl_PL
dc.title.alternativeKinds of serious games and their use in education – phenomenon descriptionen_EN

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