Przeglądaj 2014, Studia de Cultura 6 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-19 z 19
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 168. Studia de Cultura 6. Edukacja kulturowa. Ujęcie monograficzne
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014)Współcześnie, czyli prawie w połowie 2. dekady XXI wieku, edukacja kulturowa przybiera różne formy instytucjonalne oraz rozgrywa się w postaci nowoczesnych i postnowoczesnych praktyk socjokulturowych. Część z nich ma miejsce ... -
Stefana Żeromskiego koncepcje edukacji kulturowej
(2014)Stefan Żeromski is one of the creators, whose literary work includes a cultural project. The definition of culture for the writer includes the entirety of human creations, both material and spiritual. He took on the role ... -
Kultura i natura w Pikniku pod Wiszącą Skałą Petera Weira oraz w Zagadce Kaspara Hausera Wernera Herzoga. Analiza porównawcza
(2014)In my article I focus on two terms – culture and nature, revealed within two important movies for worldwide film history – Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975) directed by Peter Weir and Werner Herzog’s Kaspar Hauser Mystery ... -
Polonistyczna edukacja formalna a problematyka gender
(2014)In this article I want to show the relationship between the phenomenon of the gender reproduction and Polish philology formal education (state, conditions through a network of ministerial documents) at the high school ... -
Technologie mobilne w edukacji kulturalnej
(2014)In this article I present some of the most popular mobile museum applications – their content, accessibility, and finally the possibility to use them in the educational process. In the public opinion these applications ... -
Edukacja telewizyjna jako forma edukacji kulturowej (ujęcie psychokulturowe)
(2014)The purpose of this article is to show the need for television competence development in various forms of home education. This issue is shown in the perspective of psychology of child development, mainly social, emotional, ... -
Rodzaje gier użytkowych (serious games) oraz ich zastosowanie w edukacji – opis zjawiska
(2014)The article describes the phenomenon of "serious games", which take different names in the Polish research circle. The main issue of the article is the description of the most important subgenres together with the examples, ... -
Kilka uwag o edukacji filmowej (w kontekście kultury partycypacji)
(2014)The article discusses the current condition of film education in schools, juxtaposed with characteristics of the culture of participation (the culture of taking part). Inadequacies of the classic model of film education ... -
Wspomnienie o Zbigniewie Bauerze
(2014) -
Intermedialna kampania społeczna: Mafia dla psa
(2014)Contemporary texts are received in intermedial contexts. Their interpretation depends on the environment, to which they belong. It also determines interpretative paradigms of texts. The film Mafia for Dogs was created ... -
Rola i znaczenie edukacji psychologicznej nauczycieli w kontekście zmian społeczno-kulturowych w Polsce
(2014)The article presents an analysis of the socio-cultural changes in Poland after 1989 in the context of changes of the identity of young people and new educational forms resulting from it. For several years there are ... -
O kłopotach edukacji teatralnej w dobie wszechobecnej (po)nowoczesności i nieobecnej tradycji
(2014)The reception of theatric plays by the young viewer (an example of which can be found in the discussion after the student's premiere of Acropolis directed by Łukasz Twardowski) reveals the need to expand the theatric ... -
Wielkie wyłączenie, czyli jak uczyć o „nowych nowych mediach”
(2014)The article is dedicated to the ever growing criticism of large IT corporations that are trying to take the full control over the global Internet. The author analyses the reasons of the setback in the reflexion regarding ... -
Współczesny (neo)nomadyzm a edukacja kulturowa
(2014)The aim of the article is to notice the cultural-cognitive character of the contemporary travel. Chasing the exotic, understood as a trial to save the authentic, has gained much strength in the world threatened by cultural ... -
Jan Kalwin „dla opornych”. Popularyzacja kalwinizmu w internetowych i pozainternetowych sferach kultury popularnej
(2014)The article tries to describe in what ways John Calvin is presented in texts and images in the Internet and in pop culture. The author examines private websites about John Calvin, linguistic texts, drawings, comic strips ... -
Edukacja performatywna jako skuteczny model nauczania
(2014)The article presents the author’s own teaching method, learner as a cultural actor, used on elective courses devoted to the theatre. It discusses the ways of theatricalization of learning space, shows how to combine ...