Jan Kalwin „dla opornych”. Popularyzacja kalwinizmu w internetowych i pozainternetowych sferach kultury popularnej
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Skowronek, Katarzyna
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 168, Studia de Cultura 6 (2014), s. [147]-160
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
Jan Kalwinpopularyzacja
kultura popularna
John Calvin
pop culture
Data: 2014
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The article tries to describe in what ways John Calvin is presented in texts and images in the
Internet and in pop culture. The author examines private websites about John Calvin, linguistic
texts, drawings, comic strips and gadgets associated with him. She indicates some functions
of semiotic changes of the reformer and extra-religious contexts in which he appears. The
personality of the 16th century reformer and theologian has at least two functions: in the
religious context it is “a symbol of resistance” against such phenomena as consumerism and
hedonism and in the context of humour and satire, the message is incompatible with orthodox
religious texts.