Przeglądaj 2006, Studia Sociologica 1 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-11 z 11
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 35. Studia Sociologica 1
(2006)Przedstawiając Czytelnikom pierwszy numer Studiae Sociologicae Akademii Pedagogicznej w Krakowie, chcielibyśmy zasygnalizować żywą obecność problematyki socjologicznej w życiu naszej Uczelni i jej stałe miejsce uzasadniające ... -
Rabindranath Tagore i jego idea jedności ogólnoludzkiej
(2006)The aim of the paper is to outline and bring closer the personality of an outstanding 20th century Indian humanist and educator, and to discuss the main philosophical and sociological ideas present in his writing, ... -
Fakt religijny jako fakt społeczny w koncepcji Stefana Czarnowskiego
(2006)The work presents Czarnowski's views on religion. It is mainly an attempt at defining his approach (methodology) towards religion. Czarnowski based his research on the sociological method applied by E. Dürkheim. According ... -
Wileńska Rozgłośnia Radiowa oraz Środy literackie - żywe ośrodki kulturalne międzywojennego Wilna
(2006)The local press, including “Kurier Wileński”, which belonged to the group of three biggest newspapers shaping the public opinion in Vilnius, played a significant role in propagating the cultural development of the Vilnius ... -
Globalizm - w stronę totalitaryzmu i utopii
(2006)One could venture the argument that globalism is a contemporary variation of the totalitarian ideology which defines the sense of political, economic and business activities. The common attribute of all variants of ... -
Tożsamość interakcyjna. Szanse i ograniczenia indywidualistycznego modelu socjalizacji w Polsce
(2006)The article discusses the issue of constructing the interactive identity in the context of the systemic changes which took place in Poland after 1989. The transformations of the social, cultural and political system, and ... -
Elementy gotycyzmu w kulturowym wymiarze cyberpunka - triumf technologii nad romantyczną tradycją
(2006)The article is a broad attempt of showing the reader cultural connections between futuristic cyberpunk and romantic traditions of eerie Gothicism. It analyses cultural and sociological aspects of cyberpunk and its ... -
Percepcja przemian ustrojowych przez studentów: Śląsk a Małopolska
(2006)The subject of the study is the striking difference in the evaluation of the systemic changes which took place in Poland after 1989, as made by analogous groups of students from Silesia and Małopolska, observed in ... -
„Społeczeństwo na deskach teatru" - koncepcja Ervinga Goffmana a lingwistyka kognitywna
(2006)The article explores the problem of functioning of the “cultureme” - a cultural metaphor of the world perceived as a linguistic theatre - the cognitivistic notion apparatus has served to analyse the functioning of a ... -
Przestępczość agresywna młodzieży. Doniesienie z badań
(2006)This paper tests R. Agnew’s (1992) general strain theory of crime and delinquency taking into consideration the results of social structure transformation in Poland. According to Agnew, strain theory focuses on negative ... -
Stanisław Ossowski o patriotyzmie i kosmopolityzmie
(2006)The author believes that the relations between the individual and the society are of the greatest dilemmas of social life. Depending on how we understand the society, there emerge two contradictory attitudes of patriotism ...