Przeglądaj 2008, Studia Historicolitteraria 8 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-19 z 19
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 58. Studia Historicolitteraria 8
(2008)To już siódmy tom referatów z konferencji naukowych organizowanych od 2001 roku systematycznie we wsi Maniowy koło Nowego Targu przez Katedrę Literatury Polskiej Akademii Pedagogicznej. Tematem tegorocznego spotkania ... -
Antropologia słowa w tekstach Adama Mickiewicza
(2008)The subject of this paper is a linguistic description of semantic characteristics of Adam Mickiewicz's idiolect against the model of the language of his epoch. The author interprets selected pieces of poetry and prose ... -
Antropologiczne strategie w późnej twórczości Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego
(2008)The article is devoted to the methods of description of man and world in R. Kapuścińskie last books (Imperium, The Shadow of the Sun, Travels with Herodotus, and Lapidaria IV-VII). The author tries to show that Kapuścińskie ... -
Bal wdów i wdowców Mariana Pankowskiego w perspektywie antropologii śmierci
(2008)The subject of this paper is the recent novel by Marian Pankowski, Widows and Widowers' Ball, viewed in the light of the 20* century French anthropology of death. The article also shows the thematic changes which occurred ... -
Filmowe sposoby antropologicznego poznania
(2008)The aim of this article is showing the methods of anthropological perception of man, phenomena and forms of culture through a film. All films, regardless of their form and genre, can be the bases of anthropological ... -
Miasta się przemieszały - synkretyczność kultur a poczucie wyobcowania bohaterów powieści Stefana Chwina
(2008)The novels by Stefan Chwin are set in the reality of Gdańsk; additionally, the first two signed with his own name are usually treated as nearly-autobiographic works, as the dates of the events in the novels and the ... -
Na początku było słowo
(2008)The author of the paper recalls the stages of the origin of writing in phylogenesis, in order to explain the origin of the young - less than 200 years old - Polish sign language. The text contains suggestions how to build ... -
Netokracja wobec literatury
(2008)The aim of this paper is to show the function of literature in the environment of the new media, most of all the Internet, in the postmodern social reality. The starting point for the author’s reflections is the book ... -
Niesamowitość i groza w literaturze polskiej dwudziestolecia międzywojennego (rekonesans badawczy)
(2008)This article is a preliminary research reconnaissance, concerning the occurrence of the aesthetics of horror and the supernatural in the Polish literature of the period between the two World Wars. It is the first attempt ... -
O zapomnieniu i „pracy pamięci". Od Prousta do Szymborskiej
(2008)This article presents reflections on the subject of memory and oblivion in Wisława Szymborska’s poetry. However, the dispute begins by recalling the work which is fundamental for these issues, namely In Search of Lost ... -
Obcy... Inny... wśród swoich w wybranych nowelach pozytywistycznych
(2008)The notions of otherness and selfness belong to anthropological categories and bear the features of social stereotypes. As such, they evoke interest of researchers in various fields. In the post-modem world, the category ... -
Obraz świata w wypowiedziach dzieci z zespołem Aspergera
(2008)The author discusses the problem of social functioning of people with Asperger syndrome and the communication difficulties that they encounter. The paper draws from anthropology issues to show the therapeutic importance ... -
Poetyka kulturowa dla szkoły. Dydaktyka polonistyczna wobec wyzwań antropologii literatury
(2008)The aim of this paper is pointing out the urgent need for anthropological models of reading literary texts to be introduced in the school methodology of teaching Polish. Observation of over 80 lessons, which revealed ... -
Poznanie Innego w dialogu
(2008)This article presents a particular dialogue situation - conversation between a hearing and a hearing-impaired person. The author does not describe the conversation as a whole; rather than on the linguistic forms, she ... -
Pustka jako kategoria antropologiczna we współczesnym doświadczeniu poetyckim (Halina Poświatowska, Henri Michaux)
(2008)This paper makes an attempt at situating in the anthropological context the problem of emptiness, which has become one of the important topics undertaken by the poets of recent decades. Works of Halina PoSwiatowska and ... -
Rewitalizacja opowieści w literaturze fantasy dla młodzieży - na podstawie wybranych utworów
(2008)It may be noticed that in recent years authors of fantasy fiction for children have gained interest in various forms of tales and stories. Revitalisation of a tale results from the ongoing scientific discourse among the ... -
Sándor Márai - antropolog, emigrant, humanista (rozważania o istocie pisarstwa Máraiego na przykładzie Dziennika)
(2008)The aim of this article is to present Sándor Márai as an emigrant, a humanist, and - which frequently accompanies the latter - an anthropologist. These occupations are chiefly examined on the basis of his Diary, which ... -
Spotkanie. Opowiadanie Jarosława Iwaszkiewicza Przyjaciele jako dyskurs o możliwościach ludzkiego porozumienia
(2008)This article shows the connections between Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz’s pre-war works and the philosophy of dialogue. In the period between the world wars, philosophy of dialogue, one of the most interesting aspects of modem ... -
Uwarunkowania morficzne (odwzorowawcze) tekstu literackiego. Model religijny językowo-kulturowy Elżbiety Drużbackiej WYRAZ ANTROPOLOGICZNY - WIERZENIOWY
(2008)The anthropological and cognitive-linguistic image of E. Drużbacka’s text presented in this paper includes cognitive interpretation, concerning 1. temporal space, 2. locative space, 3. domain space and 4. hypothetical ...