Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 461-480 z 8723
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem w pracach historyków litewskich
(2011)The author of the article explores the onomastic conceptions of the battle of Grunwald appearing in the Lithuanian literature. The name „Žalgirio mūšis,” which is a translation of the German “Grünwald” into Lithuanian, ... -
Czy duchowni kronikarze potrafili opisać „wielkie starcie”? Uwagi o bitwie, liczebności i stratach obu armii w świetle źródeł i nowszej historiografii polskiej
(2011)The author of the article presents an in-depth analysis of narrative sources about the battle, namely: “The chronicle of the conflict between Wladyslaw, King of Poland and the Teutonic Knights” (“Kronika konfliktu ... -
Armia króla Władysława Jagiełły w drodze pod Grunwald
(2011)For years, the route followed by the Polish-Lithuanian army on its way to Grunwald in 1410 has been arousing controversy as the sources do not allow for its clear-cut determination. From the moment when Jagiello’s army ... -
Wstęp [w: Studia Historica 11]
(2011) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 99. Studia Historica 11 (wydanie specjalne). Bitwa pod Grunwaldem w historii i tradycji Polski i Litwy
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Przegląd typowych modernizacji w budynkach ścianowych
(2012)In the paper, typical modernizations of load-bearing wall apartment and public buildings are discussed. Changes in construction of prefabricated buildings are considered. Examples of modernization applied in Poland and ... -
Gazeta elektroniczna – rewolucja w dostępie do informacji
(2012)Recently, the market of display devices was enriched with a new group of devices called electronic paper (e-book). In this paper, technologies enabling the realization of this type of systems, their physical bases of ... -
Problemy z głosem nauczycieli z krótkim stażem zawodowym – w teorii i praktyce badawczej
(2012)In the theoretical part of the presented paper basic causes of teacher’s voice problems are described. Teachers are a very specific group, specially exposed to occupational diseases. In this paper a group of teachers ... -
Jednowymiarowe układy magnetyczne
(2012)The paper deals with the low-dimensional magnetism. Some historical concepts as well as present theoretical and experimental approaches are presented. Special attention is paid to the one-dimensional systems. Some typical ... -
Określenie parametrów krytycznych dla obiektów z opóźnieniem
(2012)The paper is devoted to the determination and the use of the ultimate parameters, i.e. the ultimate proportional controller gain and the ultimate period in control. The simple relations which enable identifying two ... -
Analiza możliwości zmniejszenia zawartości molibdenu w staliwie konstrukcyjnym
(2012)Structural steels hardened to martensite and then tempered to obtain the same hardness have very similar mechanical properties. It is possible to replace steel containing expensive alloying elements with cheaper ones. ... -
Występowanie krzywych R w kompozytach narzędziowych na osnowie tlenku glinu
(2012)Investigations of R-curve behaviour during controlled crack growth of alumina ceramics and $Al_2O_3$-10% mass $ZrO_2N$ (nonstabilised) tool composite were presented. The set of points received during measurement of ... -
Struktura elektronowa galidów miedzi
(2012)The article describes the structure of the valance band of Cu-Ga bonds and fixed effects closest to the crystallographic structure of these X-ray emission spectra of copper and gallium. Correlation was found between ... -
Analiza wpływu tablicy interaktywnej na proces aktywnego nauczania i uczenia się
(2012)The aim of this research was to form a diagnosis on the degree of usage of interactive tablets and their influence on the teaching/learning process; the research was conducted in the province of Małopolska, district of Gorlice. -
Zasoby energii odnawialnej i możliwości ich pozyskania
(2012)The shrinking natural deposits of fossil fuels, increasing $CO_2$ emission, the greenhouse effect and international treaties cause the demand for bigger participation of renewable energy on energy market in the following ... -
Czas wolny studentów edukacji techniczno-informatycznej
(2012)The way people of any age spend their free time nowadays seems to be a great problem. It can be treated as a time needed to regenerate one’s organism after a day of hard work, to develop one’s interests or to participate ... -
Autorytet nauczyciela przedmiotów technicznych na podstawie badań
(2012)Nowadays, the authority of a technical subject teacher seems to decline in many junior high schools in Poland. The opinion of teachers about their own work and respect tends to be overestimated when compared to what we ... -
Orientacja zawodowa uczniów na podstawie badań
(2012)The choice of one’s future job as well as education is a very important and difficult decision to make. Every young person has to cope with this problem. At present, when the situation in the world of work is commonly ... -
Badania wpływu różnych warunków obróbki cieplnej na właściwości mechaniczne stopu aluminium 2017A
(2012)Properly carried out a heat treatment of the aluminium alloy 2017A allows the considerable hardening (by precipitation). This paper presents the results of the effect of supersaturation, natural and artificial aging on ... -
The Clip as a Phenomenon of Present Education
(2012)Obraz multimedialny i Internet są od pewnego czasu, powszechnie wykorzystywane w edukacji. W artykule zaprezentowano ich wpływ na uczniów i proces uczenia się oraz zmiany w postawie nauczyciela wywołane pojawieniem się ...