Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 481-500 z 8723
Przemoc i agresja w środowisku szkolnym – przyczyny, zapobieganie i przeciwdziałanie
(2012)This article describes the issue of violence and aggressive behaviour among school teenagers, and the causes, symptoms and possible actions for countering and preventing it. Current reasons for the occurrence of this ... -
Wpływ klasyfikacji wzorców na dokładność neuronowej prognozy przekazywania drgań pochodzenia górniczego z gruntu na fundament budynku
(2012)The paper deals with the prediction of the soil-structure interaction in the case of transmission of ground vibrations from mining tremors to medium-height building foundations. Neural networks were proposed for the ... -
Nauczanie cyfrowego przetwarzania sygnałów z wykorzystaniem komputerów ogólnego przeznaczenia
(2012)The paper presents the essential aspects of Digital Signal Processing teaching. Effective teaching requires excellent books explaining basic issues, while practical teaching can be performed using general-purpose computers. ... -
Komputerowa analiza wpływu zmian geometrii nadwozia pojazdu na współczynnik oporu aerodynamicznego
(2012)The paper presents the complex research of a 3D aerodynamic car model. The computer simulations were made for different geometric body configuration. During the study the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method was ... -
Wieloskalowa charakterystyka mikrostruktury materiałów polikrystalicznych
(2012)The paper presents the system (a knowledge base - MULTIS_TEX) of multi-scale, quantitative microstructure investigations in the polycrystalline matarials. The system has been developed as a track of the research project ... -
Ball-on-Disk – metoda badań zużywania się materiałów
(2012)The article presents an overview of various phenomena in the wear of materials, particularly of cutting edges. The procedure for determining the wear during sliding using a Pin-on- -Disk and Ball-on-Disk apparatus was ... -
Użytkowanie skanera do testów
(2012)The work presents some proposals for the scanner to be used to evaluate students taking a test. -
Modern electronic education – Moodle
(2012)Moodle jest programem przeznaczonym do tworzenia kursów internetowych, stron internetowych, forów internetowych. Przy pomocy tego systemu możemy usprawnić nauczanie wielu przedmiotów, włączając w to również elektronikę. ... -
Klocki LEGO jako układ mechatroniczny
(2012)In this paper one of many possibilities of using LEGO NXT 2.0 is shown. First all parts of MINDSTORMS NXT are described. Next, methodology of programming is presented and basic instructions of control of a mobile robot ... -
Porównanie algorytmów optymalizacyjnych: symulowanego wyżarzania, algorytmu zachłannego, metody największego spadku oraz algorytmu ewolucyjnego
(2012)In this paper four algorithms are compared: simulated annealing, greedy algorithm, steepest descent, and evolutionary algorithm. The target of using the algorithms is assignment of the global extreme of the examined ... -
Analiza techniczna i ekonomiczna wybranych technologii solarnych
(2012)There are cost-effective climate conditions for acquisition of the solar energy in any part of Poland. It is necessary to adopt systems and equipment to individuality of the beneficiary, structure of energy requirements, ... -
Analiza możliwości lokalizacji elektrowni wiatrowych
(2012)A real estimation of usefulness of selected areas for wind turbine localization is one of the most important decisions in the investment process in wind energy industry. Wind turbine can be located in areas of high wind ... -
Oprogramowanie inżynierskie CAD/CAM w projektowaniu i wytwarzaniu formy wtryskowej
(2012)The computer aided engineering software has become a key technology in the design process for many industries. CAD/CAM software have been also available to injection mould designers. In the paper, design and manufacture ... -
Problemy utylizacji pyłów odpadowych powstających w procesie mechanicznej regeneracji osnowy ceramicznej mas formierskich
(2012)The paper describes problems connected with the injurious influence which the wasteprocessing dusts from the reclamation process of the ceramic parts of the moulding sands with organic binders (synthetic resins) have on ... -
Metody szybkiego prototypowania
(2012)In the article, practical methods used in the process of rapid prototyping and their basic advantages and disadvantages are described. The production cycle for the example-element with the use of two methods of rapid ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 97. Studia Technica 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012) -
Odolan – zagadkowa polska gwarowa nazwa kozłka lekarskiego (Valeriana officinalis L.)
(2023)The aim of the article is to investigate the origin of the Polish dialectal name odolan, which refers to valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.). On the basis of historical‑comparative analysis of the Slavic language material, ...