Przeglądaj 2016, Studia Historicolitteraria 16 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 23
Bruno i Caravaggio. Filozof heretyk i malarz heretyk w twórczości Gustawa Herlinga-Grudzińskiego
(2016)The present text follows the extraordinary “double portrait” of Bruno and Caravaggio – rebels in science and art, who are being „painted” by the Polish emmigrant writer in his works. They live together in his thoughts ... -
Bruno Schulz – mistrz, inspirator czy literacki ojciec Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)This article explores the artistic relationship between Jerzy Ficowski and Bruno Schulz. For the first time Ficowski came across Schulz’s The Cinnamon Shops in 1942, as a 17 year old adolescent. He remembered that first ... -
Cyganie polscy oraz Cyganie na polskich drogach. Próba porównania trzech wydań książki Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)The paper attempts at comparing three editions of Jerzy Ficowski’s book: “Cyganie polscy” and “Cyganie na Polskich drogach” (published in 1965 and 1985). The main focus of the analysis is differences in the content of ... -
Ficowski monografista
(2016)The article deals with topic of reading practices of Jerzy Ficowski as a monographist of Bruno Schulz and Witold Wojtkiewicz. The crucial features of Ficowski’s monographical discourse are deep emotional engagement, ... -
„Hosanna uniesiona na samo dno” – ironia w Odczytaniu popiołów Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)The article is an attempt at interpreting selected poems by Ficowski (*** [nie zdołałem ocalić…], List do Marc Chagalla, Postscriptum listu do Marc Chagalla, Pożydowskie and Wniebowzięcie Miriam z ulicy zimą 1942, included ... -
Królowie cygańscy w II Rzeczypospolitej. Wokół dorobku Jerzego Ficowskiego na temat sprawy cygańskiej w okresie międzywojennym
(2016)The article discusses the research conducted by Jerzy Ficowski on the Kings of the Gypsies from the Kwiek clan. Finding of it have been presented in his work entitled Cyganie na polskich drogach. It also constitutes a ... -
„Na nagłej i niespodziewanej sprężynie!”, czyli Makowskie bajki jako pogranicze poezji dziecięcej i poetyckiego mitu dziecka
(2016)This paper reads Jerzy Ficowski’s Makowskie bajki, a poetry volume/series written under the influence of chosen Tadeusz Makowski’s paintings, as a separate work situated somewhere in the ‘borderland’ of children and adult ... -
„(Nie)znajomy wróg jakiś miesza ludzkie rzeczy…”. Kulisy obchodów 400-lecia śmierci Jana Kochanowskiego w roku 1984
(2016)Conferences, differing in nature and concept, of national and international scope organized in the jubilee year 1984 greatly contributed to the existing knowledge on the poet. The year brought about a long-awaited boom ... -
Odnajdując „wspólny język ognia”: Jerzy Ficowski wobec mistycyzmu żydowskiego (prolegomena)
(2016)This article is an attempt to outline the relationship between the work of Jerzy Ficowski and the Jewish mystical thought that was brought in this paper to a kabbalistic element – a synthesis of components considered ... -
Odwoływanie granic (Biograficzne i poetyckie przekroczenia Jerzego Ficowskiego)
(2016)The article describes the phenomenon of “revoking” or transcending boundaries, present both in the family tradition and biography of Jerzy Ficowski and in his artistic choices. The biographical reflection focuses especially ... -
Okruchy biblijne Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)The article is a general and panoramic attempt at defining the basic forms of the presence of Bible in Jerzy Ficowski’s poetry. It was estblished that biblical themes are not central elements of the poetic world of the ... -
Ornitologia, ornitomancja. Sokołowski i (inne) ptaki Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)The starting point for my article was Jerzy Ficowski’s poem Do autora “Ptaków ziem polskich”. The poem, found in the poet’s penultimate volume – Zawczas z poniewczasem (2004) is commemorating Jan Sokołowski (1899–1982). ... -
Perseweracja motywów w poezji Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)Reading Ficowski’s poems requires researchers of his work to be erudites, thanks to which it is easier for them to move smoothly through the meanders of tradition and culture but also of everyday life presented in ... -
Pory roku Petara Alipieva
(2016)Peter Alipiev is a fine example of the poetic emblems of the 1960s. Man and nature translate and express themselves. The poetic world of P. Alipiev is unified, round, fundamental. The four seasons, each of them magical, ... -
Spuścizna audiowizualna Jerzego Ficowskiego w zasobie Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego
(2016)The National Digital Archives stores the audio-visual contents of Jerzy Ficowski’s legacy – photos, audio recordings, and films. The most numerous type of data found there are photographs. Many of the photos are ... -
Słowa nawracające – somantyczność w poezji Jerzego Ficowskiego. Pisane pożydowskim oksymoronem
(2016)The work of Jerzy Ficowski, the author of Odczytanie popiołów, Ptak poza ptakiem, Amulety i definicje, raises the problem of postmemory and re-tale. This is self-contained intimate poetry that witnessed historic and ... -
Światostwórstwo. Motywy solarne i lunarne w dziecięcej poezji Jerzego Ficowskiego
(2016)The subject of inquiries in this sketch is an ancient Slavonic fairy tale About Swaróg Swarożyc by Jerzy Ficowski – a work directed to the youngest readers, which the author describes as a theogonical poem. It launches ... -
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