Obrazy mowy (na przykładzie poezji dwudziestowiecznej)
Mikoś, Elżbieta
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 140, Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 4 (2013), s. [208]-223
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
speech imagemicro speech act
macro speech act
lyric genres
Data: 2013
Pokaż pełny rekordOpis:
Dokument cyfrowy wytworzony, opracowany, opublikowany oraz finansowany w ramach programu "Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki" - modułu "Wsparcie dla bibliotek naukowych" przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w projekcie nr rej. SONB/SP/465103/2020 pt. "Organizacja kolekcji czasopism naukowych w Repozytorium UP wraz z wykonaniem rekordów analitycznych".Streszczenie
In the present article, the speech image category is, on the one hand, connected to the ways of utilizing in somebody else’s
speech in poetry, by which an author communicates with a reader (cited in extenso or subjected to transformation – which
depends on the author’s invention and the purpose of literary form); and, on the other hand, it is seen as an effect of an artistic
strategy assumed by the author.
The analysed Wisława Szymborska’s poem enables showing what the consequences of introducing non-literary speech
genres and language naturalized in the public sphere – which acquires connotative meaning in poetry – to the plane of a lyrical
text are. On the other hand, observations made in the reading of Janusz Szuber’s poems convince that the author –
concentrated on the exterior – gives poetry not a descriptive but a narrative character, thus overcoming subjectivity of pure lyric
verse. His poetry morphs into a tale reaching out to the world, becomes an interesting lesson of cultural memory and a lesson of
forms and media of memory.