Przeglądaj 2010, Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia 3 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-12 z 12
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 82. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2010) -
Kilka uwag na temat liczb Fermata $F_5$ i $F_6$
(2010)In this paper we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for the number of the form $d = k.2^7 + 1$ and $d = k.2^8 + 1$ to be divisors of the Fermat numbers $F_5$ and $F_6$, respectively. Moreover, we present numerous ... -
Matematyzacja, modelowanie, model
(2010)This article presents conclusions concerning mathematization, which is a very vital mathematical activity, as well as conclusions concerning modelling and a model, including a mathematical model. Mathematical models are ... -
O średnich
(2010)This paper presents a structural approach to widely known numerical averages. Several equivalent conditions for a sequence to be an arithmetic sequence are formulated and prooved. Further, these conditions, expressed by ... -
Propozycja wykładu na temat argumentu głównego liczb zespolonych
(2010)This article deals with some theorems on the principal argument of complex numbers. This paper is a framework of the lecture on the argument of complex numbers. Moreover, it presents some remarks on the formula which is ... -
Przyczynek do badań nad przygotowaniem absolwentów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych do studiowania matematyki na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie
(2010)In this paper we describe mathematical preparation of students commencing mathematical studies at the Pedagogical University in the academc year 2005/06. We discuss interests and motivations to study (paragraph 3). The ... -
System komputerowy MIZAR narzędziem do komputerowego wspomagania nauczania w szkole wyższej
(2010)The MIZAR system is a computer system for representing mathematical proofs in such a way that the computer checks their correctness. The texts written in the MIZAR language are called Mizar articles and are organized ... -
Tożsamości dla uogólnionych symboli Newtona
(2010)In the present work the coefficients of the polynomial $(1 + z +z^2 + ... + z^{μ-1})^n$ are studied. They may be treated as a generalization of the binomial coefficients. Numerous identities for these coefficients are ... -
Umiejętność matematycznego uogólniania wśród nauczycieli i studentów matematyki specjalności nauczycielskiej (na przykładzie serii zadań "schodki")
(2010)Generalizations are very common in mathematics. A generalization may be a process (mathematical activity) and a product in the form of mathematical concepts, tasks, theorems, hypotheses, methods of reasoning and argumentation. ... -
Wokół twierdzenia Picka
(2010)The article concerns the phenomena connected with the Pick theory and its generalizations. It is divided into two parts. The first one includes the reflection on the part of research, during which a group of students was ... -
Математическое образование в СПбГПУ
(2010)The article raises the question: What kind of mathematics is necessary for future engineers? Using some interesting examples from his experience, the author presents the idea of unity in mathematics for all users. -
Преемственность в формировании математической культуры учителя через всю жизнь
(2010)The articles discusses the necessity to improve, during the process of lifelong learning, professional qualifications and mathematical culture of mathematics teachers. The conclusions are based on both the Polish and ...