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dc.contributor.authorKołodziej, Piotrpl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 94, Studia at Didacticam Litterarum Polonarum et Linguae Polonae Pertinentia 3 (2011), s. [195]-207pl
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the paper is to substantiate the thesis that both notions mentioned in the title (“Polish language education” and “core curriculum”), although commonly used in the didactic language, are only dummy notions and their popularity should be regarded as one of manifestations of the Polish school’s deep crisis. In school, however, there is no and – as shows the analysis of the 20th century teaching programmes and so-called core curricula – has never been any “Polish language education” in the strict sense of the word but at most its parody. The new Podstawa programowa z komentarzami (Core curriculum with comments), which was supposed to systematize the chaos introduced by sham actions of consecutive ministers of education and Central Examinational Commission, is not, however, a core curriculum but a publication full of language catches freely interpreted by individual commentators and compiled into one document only due to the requirements of the so-called new matura examination.en
dc.titlePriorytety kształcenia „polonistycznego”, czyli o poszukiwaniu podstawy w „podstawie programowej”pl
dc.title.alternativePriorities of „Polish language education” – about looking for the core in „core curriculum”en

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