Artykuły naukowe (WPL): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 60
Polish weeklies in local government election campaign in light of “echo chamber” theory
(2019)The aim of the article is to present the results of the analysis of the content of Polish weeklies in the period of the local electoral campaign in the context of the „echo chamber” concept. This theory assumes that the ... -
Czynniki determinujące kierunek kariery zawodowej w świetle wybranych teorii rozwoju zawodowego oraz ich znaczenie dla poczucia bezpieczeństwa jednostki
(2019)The article presents the factors which have influence on the choice of a professional career, showing their significance for personal safety. The main attention is focused on the characteristics of selected theoretical ... -
Myśl transhumanistyczna w perspektywie bezpieczeństwa człowieka. Szansa na rozwój czy realne zagrożenie dla populacji ludzkiej?
(2019)The modern development of medicine that offers tools and techniques due to which it is possible to overcome human limitations and improve the quality of human life, ceases to be a design vision and becomes reality. The ... -
Czy dżihad to ideologia? O niekonsekwencjach terminologicznych wokół „walki na ścieżce Boga”
(2019)The term “jihad” is currently doing a great career. It has long ceased to be just a Islam theology concept and is already widely used in political science or even security science. From this word were created such as ... -
iWar – bezprecedensowa forma wojny internetowej
(2019)The aim of the article is to present the concept of iWar, a new, unique idea of war. Understanding and specificity of the concept is associated with changes that take place in the way of functioning of modern societies. ... -
Genezowanie bezpieczeństwa
(2019)Pursuing security, i.e. the expected state, free from threats requires conducting scientific research, which show that security undergoes dramatic changes , is a complex and intricate matter to study and it is not possible ... -
Proces przemian w regionalnej i globalnej przestrzeni bezpieczeństwa w pierwszych dwóch dekadach po Zimnej Wojnie w odniesieniu do byłych państw bloku socjalistycznego z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (wybrane aspekty)
(2019)The article presents the changes in the international security environment in the post Cold War world, especially in view of the post Communist Middle-East European countries. The most important changes connected with ... -
Prywatność w Sieci – wybrane zagadnienia
(2019)The development of new technology makes that information about us is collected on a massive scale. Almost every our activity leaves a trail (e.g. credit cards). Especially a lot of these trails we leave using the ... -
Istota muzułmańskiego bezpieczeństwa rodziny w odniesieniu do dziecka w obszarze Hedānat, Velāyat-e nafs i Velāyat-e amvāl na przykładzie ustawodawstwa Islamskiej Republiki Afganistanu
(2019)The article aims to clarify the essence of the security of the Muslim family with regard to the child. It focuses on rights and duties of the parents in hedānat, velāyat-e nafs, velāyat-e tarbiyat. The author refers to ... -
Ołowiany grad: rozwój i główne uwarunkowania działania artylerii w XX wieku
(2019)The aim of the article is to present a historical outline of the use of artillery in the 20th century. The author indicates the main conditions and milestones of artillery development during this period. Then, the main ... -
Wojna, bitwa, walka... Ramy tematyczne w relacjonowaniu parlamentarnej kampanii wyborczej w Polsce w 2015 roku
(2019)The aim of the article is to present and analyze framing in media coverage of parliamentary election in Poland in 2015. The research uses media content analysis to identify framing of elections as war, battle and fight ... -
Legality of the Turkish military operations in Syria
(2022)The aim of this article is to address the legality of armed violence between Turkish armed forces and the Syrian government and non-state actors within the Syrian territory, including the Kurdish rebel forces. The scope ... -
Hybrid Warfare or Hybrid Threat – The Weaponization of Migration as an Example of the Use of Lawfare – Case Study of Poland
(2022)This article aims to address the issue of alleged hybrid warfare attacks on Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. The scope of the article covers the Belarus operations conducted in 2021. Firstly, the author addresses the issue ... -
Japoński lotniskowiec zaopatrzeniowy Shinano – analiza funkcjonalna. Część 3: Funkcje podstawowe – lotniskowiec uderzeniowy
(2020)Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację rozważań zapoczątkowanych w części pierwszej: Źródła koncepcji i geneza Shinano oraz losy programu budowy pancerników typu Yamato oraz w części drugiej: Charakterystyka techniczna i ... -
Ochrona i odzyskiwanie dóbr kultury po II wojnie światowej w świetle Polskiej Kroniki Filmowej na przykładzie Bitwy pod Grunwaldem Jana Matejki i ołtarza mariackiego (ołtarza Wita Stwosza)
(2020)Author analyzes selected materials from Polska Kronika Filmowa (Polish Movie Chronicle) and tries to show recovery and protection of Polish cultural assets, The Battle of Grunwald by Jan Matejko and St. Mary’s Altar by ... -
Wpływ węgiersko-tureckiej współpracy gospodarczej na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Węgier po 2010 roku
(2020)The outcomes of the international economic crisis that struck financial and banking markets between 2007 and 2009 had a direct impact on economic and foreign policies realized by individual nations affected by the crisis. ... -
Pięć lat zmian w polskim sądownictwie z perspektywy bezpieczeństwa prawnego
(2020)The last 5 years have brought significant changes in legal regulations of primary importance for the judiciary in Poland. For the subjective sense of legal security of a citizen, his conviction that he is duly protected ... -
Japoński lotniskowiec zaopatrzeniowy Shinano – analiza funkcjonalna. Część 2: Charakterystyka techniczna i grupa lotnicza
(2020)Niniejszy artykuł stanowi kontynuację rozważań zapoczątkowanych w części pierwszej: Źródła koncepcji i geneza Shinano oraz losy programu budowy pancerników typu Yamato, opublikowanej w poprzednim zeszycie „Annales ... -
Komik prezydentem: ukraińskie wybory prezydenckie z 2019 roku w wybranych polskich mediach
(2020)The purpose of the article was to analyze the content of media coverage of presidential elections in Ukraine in 2019. Newscasts and socio-political weeklies with the greatest interest of recipients were selected. Then ... -
Security vs. traditional and new media
(2020)The article presents selected links between security and old and new media. The subject of consideration is the area of communication about security, with particular emphasis on the issue of media coverage of socio-political ...