Przeglądaj Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Botaniczne według daty wydania
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Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 28. Prace z Botaniki 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1967) -
Porosty Beskidu Śląskiego
(1967)The Silesian Beskid represent a considerable mountain area (about 500 sq. km) in the western part of the Western Carpathians. This territory extends from the Olza river valley in the west to the Żywiec Basin in the ... -
Rośliny naczyniowe Pogórza Cieszyńskiego
(1967)The present publication is the second part of a doctor dissertation. The first part will be published in "Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica", under the title: "The Geobotanical Character of the Pogórze Cieszyńskie". The ... -
Badania nad Polygonum Viviparum L. z Tatr
(1967)The present work was carried out on Polygonum viviparum L. from the Tatra Mts. The somatic chromosome number established for Polish representatives of this apomictic species in ca 130 (132); thus Polygonum viviparum in ... -
Materiały do flory grzybów pasożytniczych Polski
(1967)The materials for the present paper were collected during the field work of the Fourth Congress of European Mycologists in Poland. They are mostly derived from the Masurian Lake District, the Białowieża Forest, and ... -
Badania cytoembriologiczne nad Prunus Domestica odmiana Węgierka z Bühlerthal
(1970)The object of the present inwestigation has been to study and follow the course of sporogenesis and gametogenesis in Prunus Domestica, the Bühlerthal variety of wild-plum. As a result the author has been able to state ... -
Mejoza oraz rozwój gametofitu diploidalnych i autotetraploidalnych form Secale Vavilovii Grossh
(1970)As shown by the results of our redearch, meiosis in the cells of sporogenous anthers and ovules of the diploid forms of S. Vavilovii generally follows a regular course; which leads up to the formation of spores with a ... -
Mitoza w komórkach merystematycznych oktoploidalnych form Triticale (Pszenżyto)
(1970)The obtained results of cytological investigation into the process of mitotic division in the vertical merystems of Triticale roots have led up to the conclusion that these specimens are aneusomatically differentiated. ... -
Wpływ dwusiarczanu czterometyletiuramu (TMTD) na przebieg podziałów mitotycznych w komórkach merystematycznych Secale Cereale L.
(1970)It has been found by analysis that the tetramethyloturam disulphate contained in the seed dressing T reduces the mitotic activity of meristematic cells of conical growing points of Secale Cereale L. The decrease of the ... -
Naturalne i syntetyczne poliploidy w świecie roślin (materiały pomocnicze do realizacji programu nauczania biologii w kl.IV Liceum Ogólnokształcącego)
(1970)The article deals with the cytological characteristics of the different types of natural poliploids and with their ecological and geographical differentiation, as well aa with the typical mechanisms of their multiplication. ... -
Osiągnięcia cytogenetyki w hodowli zbóż
(1970)The first part of the article presents the ways by which presumably the different species and varieties of corn have originated in nature. An essential part in the evolution of corn crops was performed by cross-fertilization, ... -
Rola światła w procesie kiełkowania nasion i zarodników
(1970)In the paper the author has presented data relating to the effect light on the germination of seeds and spores of moss and fern. He has diascussed the operation of light against the background of the metabolic processes ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 39. Prace Botaniczne 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1970) -
Wycieczka botaniczna do Pienińskiego Parku Narodowego (opracowanie naukowo-metodyczne)
(1970)For a naturalis the territory of the Pieniny Mts. is, along with that of the Tatra the most interesting place in the whole West Carpathiana. A place of the highest interest are the Central Pieniny where various natural ... -
Porosty (Lichenes) Kotliny Żywieckiej
(1970)The Żywiec Dale extends over ca. 100 sq. kms and belongs to the Silesian and Babia Góra Sub-Region. It was formed at the confluence of the rivers Soła, Koszarawa, Lękawka, Lesna, Zylica and other lesser streems. It is ... -
Zielnik rodologiczny w pracy naukowej
(1970)The author's suggestions for the collection, preparation, and preservation of wild-growing roses destined for research, have been founded on his own experience and on other publications. The most valuable material is ... -
Wpływ chowu wsobnego na rozwój cech anatomicznych korzeni, źdźbeł i liści żyta (Secale Cereale L.)
(1970)The objective of the present paper has been to study the effect of inbreeding upon the evolution of the anatomical features of rye roots, stalks, and leaves (Secale Cereale L.). Having this in view, an investigation was ... -
Hodowla przedrośli paproci w warunkach pracowni szkolnej na przykładzie narecznicy samczej - Dryopteris Filix-Mas (L.) Schott
(1970)When the question of metagenesis in fern is examined during botany lesssons in school it is highly recommendable, if only for methodological reasons, to demanstrate a gametophyte. The best and most certain way to obtain ... -
Wycieczka botaniczna do Babiogórskiego Parku Narodowego (opracowanie naukowo-metodyczne dla nauczycieli szkół średnich)
(1970)In her paper the author draws the teachers' attention to the Babia Góra National Park aa an excellent place for excursions to be made by high-school students who would have there ample opportunity for completing and ... -
Interesujące porosty (Lichenes) Pogórza Rożnowsko-Ciężkowickiego
(1970)The author has listed 34 varieties of lichen and their respective location within the Rożnów-Ciężkowice Submontane Region (Polish West Carpathians). Some ot theee varieties are highly interesting, e.g. Coenogonium nigrum, ...