Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 89

    • Idea jednorodności w dziejach kosmologii 

      Skarżyński, Edmund (1972)
      The paper contains a description of the principles of ancient cosmology and testifies to the modifications introduced into them by Copernicus. Further on the idea of homogeneity is explained on the basis of Newton's ...
    • Uwagi o metodologii badań podmiotowego aspektu religii 

      Szmyd, Jan (1972)
      The author of the paper discusses the current achievements in research under the psychological aspect of religious beliefs, critically evaluates a number of attitudes in the existing investigation in this field, especially ...
    • Ujęcie istoty religii w klasycznej filozofii niemieckiej (Kant, Schleiermacher, Hegel) 

      Padoł, Roman (1972)
      The author tries to define the conception of religion in Kant's, Hegel's and Schleiermacher's philosophical systems. He has omitted more minute questions and considers only the problem of indicating the basic domain of ...
    • Podmiotowy aspekt religii w twórczości Jana Hempla 

      Szmyd, Jan (1972)
      The contents of the paper consists in the representation and critical survey of the conception of the subjective aspect of religion in Jan Hempel's work. The author successively deals with the method of stating and solving ...
    • Jednostka a rzeczywistość u Karola Jaspersa 

      Zawadzki, Franciszek (1972)
      Jasper's philosophy aims at the systematization of the existentialist doctrine of individualistic or rather- according to the author of the paper - autonomistic principles. These notions become evident thanks to the ...
    • Filozofia religii Ludwika Feuerbacha 

      Padoł, Roman (1972)
      The paper contains an attempt at ths representation and interpretation of Feuerbach's philosophy of religion. The author takes into consideration only one specific context of Feuerbach's philosophy of religion, namely: ...
    • Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 42. Prace Filozoficzne 1 

      Szmyd, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1972)
    • Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 57. Prace Filozoficzne 2 

      Szmyd, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1975)
      Zebrane w niniejszym wydaniu "Prac Filozoficznych" (Rocznik II) materiały stanowią wstępną prezentację wyników badawczych zespołu naukowo-badawczego Zakładu Filozofii i Socjologii Marksistowskiej przy Wyższej Szkole ...
    • Edwarda Abramowskiego system psychologiczny i teoria przeżycia religijnego 

      Szmyd, Jan (1975)
      The author attempts to reconstruct and to give a critical evaluation of the psychological system formed by E. Abramowski, paying special attention to its characteristic component, i.e. the psychology of religious states. ...
    • Ignacego Myślickiego koncepcja historii filozofii 

      Nawara, Henryk (1975)
      The paper gives an account of the views of Ignacy Halpern-Myślicki concerning the origin, the aims and the methods of studying the history of philosophy. This is the first attempt to reconstruct the views of a writer who ...
    • Stanisław Brzozowski wobec filozoficznych założeń modernizmu 

      Padoł, Roman (1975)
      The paper brings a comparison of the philosophical views of S.Brzozowski and the outlook on life of Polish modernism. The author presents the concept of individualism, some ontological assumptions, the concept of "life", ...
    • W kręgu twórczości i poglądów na filozofię Stefana Rudniańskiego 

      Snopek, Jan (1975)
      The paper presents a discussion of the works of S. Rudniański, the main concern of the discussion being his concept of the subject and function of philosophy. More attention has been given to his analysis of the aims of ...
    • Stefana Czarnowskiego socjologiczna analiza kultu bohatera 

      Stawowy, Ewa (1975)
      The authoress attempts to reconstruct the sociological concept of a hero as found in the work by S. Czarnowski: The Hero Worship and Its Social Background (Kult bohaterów i jego społeczne podłoże). The hero worship has ...
    • Koncepcja "Wiecznych powrotów światów" u Zygmunta Zawirskiego 

      Kiszka, Zygmunt (1975)
      The paper presents the views of Z. Zawirski concerning the eternal recurrence of worlds. According to this theory the world together with its population will recur innumerable number of times, each time being the same ...
    • Przyczynek do J. Słowackiego historiozofii "Króla Ducha" 

      Basara-Lipiec, Eugenia (1975)
      The paper belongs to a series of studies concerned with the philosophy of the Polish Romanticism. It is based on the assumption that there is philosophical content to be found in the works which have been usually discussed ...
    • Badania monograficzne w twórczości Władysława Grabskiego 

      Komendera, Antoni (1975)
      The paper is an attempt to reconstruct the concept of the sociology of the village as formed by Władysław Grabski. In his analytical discussion the author makes use of notions appropriate for a systematic approach in ...
    • Podmiot i przedmiot odzwierciedlenia religijnego 

      Łobowik, Borys (1975)
      The author characterizes the subject of religious consciousness as a society of a restricted social activity, and the object of a religious reflection - as a power that controls man in his everyday life.The author has ...
    • Kultura i cywilizacja w pismach Andrzeja Niemojewskiego 

      Basara-Lipiec, Eugenia (1981)
      The paper contains an attempt to present the views of Andrzej Niemojewski — the outstanding thinker, publicist and writer on the turn of the 19th century — on the conception of culture and its various — historical, national ...
    • Kultura i życie. Z problematyki kultury u Stanisława Brzozowskiego 

      Padoł, Roman (1981)
      The thesis deals with the conception of culture, this problem being the most important fragment of Stanisław Brzozowski’s philosophy. According to him, culture plays a secondary part in relation to life processes which aim ...
    • Ignacego Fika poglądy na kulturę międzywojenną 

      Wawrykowicz, Roman (1981)
      Culture, understood by Fik in a perfectionistic way, is a specifically human, creative opposition to environment and human limitations. „Culturing” is rational and based upon social experience; it is at the same time ...