2008, Studia Linguistica 3: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
Między imieniem własnym a pospolitym. O przydomkach na przykładzie socjolektu studenckiego
(2008)The subject of linguistic analysis are nicknames that occurred in dialogues of students of high schools in Krakow in the years 1996-2002. The author considers the language of these texts to be slang utterances while students ... -
Złe białogłowy w utworach Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna
(2008)J.A. Morsztyn is a poet who wrote most of his works about the fair (Polish biała/white) sex (the word kobieta/a woman was not used then) named with many synonyms (over 180 entries). Apart from panny, niewiasty, dziewki, ... -
Kilka uwag o wtórnej funkcji przezwiskowej imion hipokorystycznych z końcowym -'o w mikrosystemie gwarowym Frampola
(2008)When in the 80’s of the last century the author carried on his study of anthroponymy and zoonymy in the regional dialect of Frampol in the district of Zamość, he paid special attention to proper names of people ending ... -
Rozdział z polskiej dialektologii historycznej: nagłos zaimka wszytek i podobnych w Rozmyślaniu przemyskim
(2008)The paper presents a description of Old Polish consonant group wsz- analyzed on the basis of full linguistic material of Rozmyślanie przemyskie that for tens of years was considered to be a relict of the northern Lesser ... -
Z zapożyczeń tureckich w języku mieszkańców miasta Ruse w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku
(2008)Lexical borrowings from the Turkish language are the most numerous in Bulgarian dialects, both in common parlance and in cant. The paper concerns Turkish borrowings in the dialect of the Ruse town in the early part of the ... -
Religijne i społeczne funkcje tytułów Maryi w listach pasterskich Konferencji Episkopatu Polski (1945-2005)
(2008)The subject of the paper are titles and names of Holy Mary that occur in pastoral letters of the Conferences of Polish Episcopate from the years 1945-2005. The main subject is functionality and strategic character of these ... -
Obraz dawnego świata odbity w nazwach miejscowych
(2008)The paper is an attempt to show the past reality reflected in toponymic names coming from the districts of Bielsko-Biała and Olkusz. Interpretation of the names, their etymology and word formation involving well known rules ... -
Wokalizm staropolski i gwarowy : alternacje samogłosek ustnych w tekstach Elżbiety Drużbackiej na tle badań języka pisarzy
(2008)Alternations of vowels 'e//'o, 'e//'a as well as e//o involving old proto-Slavonic vocalism without mutation presented in the paper refer to the verbs niesą, wiezą, to the noun with the stem siestrz- and the nouns taken ... -
Jeszcze o prozodii połabskiej
(2008)The author discusses the problem of stress and quantity in Polabian. The fragmentary and imperfect recorded Polabian material makes their reconstruction very difficult. There are several different views on both these ... -
Listy Zofii Kraszewskiej (żony) do Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego. Perspektywy badawcze
(2008)The paper prepared on the basis of hand-written letters of Zofia Kraszewska addressed to her husband, Józef Ignacy, is the author’s next publication of 19th century epistolography. The paper is an introduction to planned ... -
Związki frazeologiczne dotyczące śmierci w polskich i ukraińskich pieśniach ludowych
(2008)The paper treats of comparison of idiomatic expressions in Polish and Ukrainian languages. Analyzed idiomatic items are similar in respect of defining the notion of the death. The main condition is that they include a ... -
Zawodowość jako podstawowa kategoria wartościowania osób w siedemnastowiecznych statutach cechów krakowskich
(2008)From among rich vocabulary of seventeenth-century statutes of craft guilds the author chose and analyzed a few words and expressions functioning used for estimating people. These are names referring to master craftsmen as ... -
Miejsce „kobiety" na skali modelu wielkiego łańcucha bytów w poezji Tadeusza Różewicza
(2008)The paper presents an image of a woman in T. Różewicz’s poetry. The reconstruction of woman’s textual image is based on the idea of the great chain of beings borrowed from T.P. Krzeszowski. This hierarchically ordered model ... -
Wykorzystanie analizy słowotwórczej w badaniach językowego obrazu świata
(2008)In the paper an application of formative analysis to reconstruction of a linguistic image of the world is presented. On the basis of material excerpted from a 17th century manuscript monastic chronicle the author shows ... -
Jeszcze o pochodzeniu przyimka ku
(2008)Beside forms derived from proto-Slavonic kъ, there are also other ones and among them ku/to testified in Polish, Slovak, Czech, Lower-Lusatian, and Old-Russian. Because in Old-Church-Slavonic only kъ occurs, it is widely ... -
Formy skrócone staropolskich imion dwuczłonowych oraz rodzime imiona odapelatywne nadawane jako imiona samodzielne w XX wieku
(2008)The paper presents a supply, the origin, and the structure of used as official names in the 20th century derivations from Old Polish compound names like Leszek, Bogusz, Sławek, Dobrochna, Bożena, Mira as well as names ... -
Leksem czerwony jako komponent związków frazeologicznych w języku polskim
(2008)The paper presents idiomatic connexion of the lexical item czerwony/red that makes word connexions occurring in contemporary Polish idiomatic expressions. Realized from this point of view quantitative analysis allows to ... -
Wybrane cechy językowe i graficzne listów e-mail
(2008)The Internet offers new strategies and channels of communication, different from what we use in other communicational situations. One of such systems is exchanging information by means of e-mail. Although it is already a ... -
Nazwy części wsi w Beskidzie Myślenickim
(2008)Mountain villages of Myślenice and Sucha Beskidzka districts are devided into role/plough lands each having a few slightly semantically different names. There are variant forms like: U Kubiaka, Kubiakowo, Kubiakówka, Rola ... -
Wokół semantyki i genezy frazeologizmu od stóp do głów
(2008)In the paper the author tries to describe one of the strongly fixed in Polish language idiomatic expression 'od stóp do głów'/'from head to foot'. The first part of the paper focuses on the state of testifying the item in ...