Przeglądaj 2015, Studia Linguistica 10 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-18 z 18
Północnokresowe i białoruskie nazwy jałowca na tle słowiańskim
(2015)The Polish-wide word jałowiec (Juniperus communis) in the Polish language of the northeastern borderlands exists (already since Adam Mickiewicz’s times) as the variant jadłowiec, and in the present Wilno dialects also ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 190. Studia Linguistica 10
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2015) -
Способи семантичної деривації в українській релігійній лексиці
(2015)We came to the conclusion that narrowing of meaning and metonymy are two main types of semantic derivation of all thematic fields of religious vocabulary (52% and 42%, respectively). Metaphor (6%) as a form of semantic ... -
Formy adresatywne w ustnej komunikacji religijnej - aspekt empiryczno-porównawczy : (na materiale współczesnego języka polskiego i ukraińskiego)
(2015)The author talks about chosen issues connected with usage of addressing forms in oral religious communication concerning three plains of using addressing forms in communicational situational contacts with the representatives ... -
"Mała ojczyzna" Ślązaka we frazeologizmach i przysłowiach gwarowych (Śląsk Cieszyński, Górny Śląsk, Śląsk Opolski)
(2015)The article presents an analysis of phrases and proverbs with a toponymic component, which were excerpted from lexicographic sources recording Silesian dialects. The object of description is the image of “a little ... -
Świat roślin w opowiadaniach Ludzie stamtąd Marii Dąbrowskiej
(2015)The article presents 89 names which belong to plant lexis. The linguistic material was excerpted from short stories Ludzie stamtąd (People from There) by Maria Dąbrowska. The terminology which is discussed belongs to 10 ... -
Ziarnko gorczycy - pochodzenie, status i losy frazeologizmu w języku polskim
(2015)The article is a linguistic microanalysis of the origins, status and history of a single phraseological unit ziarnko gorczycy ( the mustard seed). It is classified thematically in the Polish language as a floristic set ... -
Językowo-kulturowy obraz łyka w świetle dawnych frazeologizmów i przysłów
(2015)The article deals with phraseologisms and proverbs which contain the component łyko (phloem). The analysis of collected material made it possible to reconstruct the linguistic view of old reality connected with low ... -
Rośliny tatrzańskie w piśmiennictwie Zofii Radwańskiej-Paryskiej
(2015)Basing on the texts by Zofia Radwańska-Paryska, the author reconstructs the ways of describing plants growing in the Tatra Mountains. The method of looking at the plant includes four different author’s points of view, ... -
Przymiotniki w polskich współcześnie używanych nazwach drzew
(2015)The subject of interest in the article are the names of trees appearing in Europe, commonly used in Polish elaborations. An analysis was conducted on the adjectives being a part of the binominal names, describing the ... -
A złote jabłko stało się jabłkiem niezgody - o kulturowym i leksykograficznym wymiarze dwóch mitologizmów z komponentem nazywającym owoc
(2015)In the phraseological stock of Polish there can be found language units which conceal a cultural symbolism of mythological provenance – symbolism that speakers are perhaps sometimes unaware of. In this group tere are two ... -
Obraz wysokogórskiej przyrody w sonetach tatrzańskich Wincentego Byrskiego
(2015)This analysis is based on an unpublished collection of 25 sonnets written by Wincenty Byrski one hundred years ago. They are devoted to the Tatra subject matter. The author of the article, applying the methods of cultural ... -
Etymologiczny słownik polskich gwarowych nazw roślin jako kontynuacja badań zespołu profesora Eugeniusza Pawłowskiego
(2015)The primary aim of the prospective etymological dictionary of Polish dialectal plant names is to trace the origin of selected Polish dialectal wild plant names in the context of other Slavic and European languages. What ... -
Terminologia botaniczna w wybranych poematach romantycznych
(2015)The article contains results of lexical analysis of 8 romantic poems (including the national epos) of 7 eminent Polish romantic authors: Antoni Malczewski, Adam Mickiewicz, Seweryn Goszczyński, Józef Bohdan Zaleski, Juliusz ... -
Przysłowia i wyrażenia przysłowiowe z imieniem Anna
(2015)The article presents the proverbs including the most popular name in Poland – Anna. The analyzed material – surprisingly tiny, comprising twenty-two paremiological units – has been drawn from the Nowa księga przysłów i ... -
Maciej Rak, Kulturemy podhalańskie