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dc.contributor.authorKoli, Františekpl_PL
dc.contributor.otherMieczkowska, Halina [tłumacz]pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1986, Z. 102, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 3, s. 45-[56]pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe author of the paper deals with the problem of metatextual character of translation and its use in the school interpretation of translated literary texts. An explanation of the translation process from the communicational aspect takes into consideration a position of translation in new contextual relations (changes in reality and literary tradition with the regard to a new receiver) and is aimed against the reduction of translation, more or less, to a linguistic level only. The shifts, by means of which the tension between primary and secondary communications is being solved, are to be considered in school interpretation of translated texts as w ell, if the demand not to simplify or schematize artistic reflection of reality by interpretation were to be realized. Neglecting the metatextual character of translation in school interpretation results in an undialectical conception of the process of primary and secondary communications and, in the last consequence, it enables to ascribe to the original text meanings not intended by its author. On the other side, the communicational „opening” of the translated text may, in the school interpretation of translated texts, considerably contribute to a dynamisation of the process of teaching. An objectively inevitable „shift” of translation has, from the methodological point of view , a certain advantage: there is a mutual interferential tension between the original and the translation resp. between two or more translations of the same work without an immediate relation to the original text and this tension is, by means of its own „immanent” energy, able to make an approach of the interpreter to the object of interpretation more dynamic. This double or multiplied effort in the process of school interpretation of translation texts is time-absorbing but, on the other side it brings about qualitative improvement of interpretational methods applied in the teaching literature.en_EN
dc.titlePrzekład w nauczaniu literatury w szkolepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeTranslation in the school literary educationen_EN

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