Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 758
Congruences characterizing twin primes
(2012)Inspired by P.A. Clement’s results in [2], we give new necessary and sufficient conditions for two prime numbers to be twin primes. -
On stability of some functional equations and topology of their target spaces
(2012)Some remarks about the coherence of the stability of several functional equations with topology of their target spaces are given. The equations in question are: homogeneity (first of all) and quadratic ones, as well as ... -
Kształcenie przyszłych nauczycieli matematyki - wyzwanie edukacyjne
(2012)The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the still current (as compared to the reform of higher education) issue: how should we train mathematics teachers in order to attain the desired outcomes? The article presents ... -
Z badań nad trudnościami studentów w rozumieniu pojęcia miary i całki
(2012)Measurement is an important form of human activity. It appears at all levels of secondary school education, while discussing the length of a segment, the area of a plane figure and the volume of a solid. The definition ... -
Przyczynek do badań nad twórczą postawą studentów podczas rozwiązywania zadań matematycznych
(2012)In this paper, we understand the term "creative attitude" to denote an action of the learner which consists in undertaking creative activity. This activity can take different forms, such as: discovery, invention, a ... -
O nieskończonych ciągach liczb parami względnie pierwszych raz jeszcze
(2012)In this paper the authors, using general formulas, determine and describe a class of infinite sequences of natural numbers, pairs of which are relatively prime. This result was obtained using the theory of Lucas sequences ... -
Cechy równoboczności trójkątów
(2012)The paper presents some non-standard (in the sense: not yet presented in the literature), necessary and sufficient conditions for a triangle to be isosceles. -
Od hipotezy do twierdzenia
(2012)In this paper, on the basis of elementary geometrical content, the authors present examples of students' reasoning, which permits, in the first place, to formulate a hypothesis, and further to find a proof. The essential ... -
O pewnym sposobie kontroli rozumienia wybranych pojęć z analizy matematycznej przez studentów studiów matematycznych
(2012)In the last years in Poland new standards for the matriculation examination have been established, especially in mathematics. Subsequently, for many years at the Pedagogical University of Krakow research has been conducted ... -
Przykłady zagadnień z różnych działów matematyki niezbędnych do studiowania teorii miary
(2012)In the education of mathematicians, including teachers of mathematics, the measure theory plays an important role. From the experience in and research on teaching the measure theory it follows that one of the important ... -
O ciałach uporządkowanych
(2012)In this paper, we present some basic facts concerning ordered fields. We review definitions of an ordered field, give an example of a field that admits many orderings, and present equivalent definitions of the axiom of ... -
Rola pytań w procesie kształtowania wiedzy uczniów oraz studentów
(2016)The aim of teaching every school subject is on the one hand to acquire some basic knowledge, and on the other hand to develop one's cognitive interest in the relevant field. A dialogue between the parties involved in the ... -
Wytwarzanie i mikrostruktura materiałów warstwowych
(2017)Due to the growing interest in composite materials and the high demand for such materials, an attempt was made to compare a number of technologies that were used at the Institute of Technology of the Pedagogical University ... -
Wprowadzenie do projektowania elektrowni korzystającej z energii pływów
(2017)The publication was introduced in issues related to the design of the power plant that uses tidal energy. Technological issues affecting the amount of energy produced in a power plant with a horizontal axis using tidal ... -
Rozwój wybranych etyk grup zawodowych w drugiej połowie XX wieku
(2017)This article presents the basic assumptions of professional ethics of teachers, doctor and lawyer. An analysis of the legitimacy of creating ethical codes was made. Examples of moral dilemmas with which representatives ... -
Dog therapy – selected issues and suggestions
(2017)Already in primitive hunter-gatherer communities they were aware of the properties of the dog’s influences, positively affecting the health and well-being of man. Over the centuries, few efforts have been made to use ... -
Zastosowanie Sterownika LOGO! 8 jako moduł sterowania PLC w rozwiązaniach domowych i przemysłowych
(2017)The new version of the PLC module in the LOGO! Version 8, from Siemens offers the ideal driver for simple automation tasks in industry and home services. The modular design that provides the expansion possibilities of a ... -
From traditional to digital photography
(2017)Photography is one of the most interesting field of creative actions and passions. We can find many interesting applications of this profession in various technical laboratories, its begin in the form of traditional ... -
Wpływ sposobu modelowania wymuszenia parasejsmicznego na wyliczoną odpowiedź dynamiczną budynku
(2017)The comparison of the calculated dynamic responses of typical, high-rise, prefabricated residential buildings subjected to some measured paraseismic-type excitations (mine-induced tremors) modelled in two ways, is presented ... -
Badanie właściwości termoelektrycznych roztworu stałego Na1−xLixNbO3 (dla x = 0 – 0,06)
(2017)The article presents theoretical facts of thermoelectric phenomena (i.e. Joule effect, Seebeck effect, Thomson effect and Peltier effect). Lead-free Na1−xLixNbO3 ceramics (x = 0 – 0,06) were synthesized by a ...