Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 181-200 z 294
O miejscu polskiej prozy historycznej w kulturze literackiej lat 1939–1945
(2007)During the World War II Polish books were published (either in translations or in Polish, thanks to the efforts of emigration community and institutions in exile) almost exclusively outside the occupied country, mostly ... -
Dywagacje wokół kwestii założeniowości oraz pola badań bibliologicznych
(2007)The author presents some reflections on the field of bibliological research in the context of postmodernist discussion of culture. It is claimed that epistemological approach and non-assumptive account and description ... -
Nabytki książkowe do biblioteki domu rekolekcyjnego oo. Jezuitów we Lwowie (1913–1926)
(2007)On arriving in Poland in 1564, the Jesuits brought their most efficient spiritual weapon – The Spiritual Exercises (Exercitia Spiritualia) of St. Ignatius of Loyola, also called “the Ignatian retreats”. The first retreat ... -
Cunceviana w zbiorach ossolińskich
(2007)St. Josaphat Kuntsevich, beatified in 1643 and canonized in 1867, is known and worshipped both in the Greek Catholic and the Roman Catholic Church. His person was the subject of many publications, dating back as early ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 47. Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2007) -
Kulisy wydania wspomnień Władysława Wagnera Pokusa horyzontu
(2006)The story of a scout, Władysław Wagner, sailing around the world heated the imagination of the young Poles in 1930s. A 20-year-old sailor made his teenage dreams come true, thanks to his stubbornness, strength of character ... -
Mickiewiczowskie archiwalia w Wilnie
(2006)This article presents the archival materials concerning Adam Mickiewicz that have been stored until today in libraries and archives of Vilnius. They relate to the period of Mickiewicz’s studies in Seminarium dla Kandydatów ... -
O książce masońskiej słów kilka (w związku ze zbiorami masoniców Wojewódzkiej i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Łodzi)
(2006)This article is devoted to a rather unknown subject – the Masonic book. The author briefly presents the history and the ideological foundation of Freemasonry, taking into account two main branches, the Anglo-Saxon one ... -
Rola książki w działalności Towarzystwa Szkoły Ludowej (1891–1918). Szkic do dziejów książki w Krakowie
(2006)The turn of the twentieth century was a period of intensified development of various forms of organized social life. One of the societies established at that time was Towarzystwo Szkoły Ludowej (The People’ s School ... -
Analiza jakości i użyteczności informacji wybranych zasobów WWW małopolskich bibliotek
(2006)This article presents an analysis of the quality and usefulness of information from randomly selected websites of the Małopolska libraries. On the basis of a wide choice of the subject literature, a synthesis of the ... -
"Cuda Polski" Rudolfa Wegnera: historia edycji
(2006)The series “Wonders of Poland: the Beauty of Nature, Human Achievements, Historical Art and Architecture” was published in the inter–war period by Rudolf Wegner’s Wydawnictwo Polskie (the Polish Printing House) in Poznań. ...