Przeglądaj 2003, Studia Historicolitteraria 3 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-16 z 16
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 15. Studia Historicolitteraria 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2003)Przedstawiony tutaj zbiór tekstów to plon II Konferencji Naukowej Instytutu Filologii Polskiej nt. Literatura polska w aspekcie religijnym, egzystencjalnym i politycznym, jaka odbyła się we wsi Maniowy w dniach od 16 do ... -
Dziecko i dzieciństwo jako kategoria psychofizyczna i egzystencjalna we współczesnej poezji
(2003)In this article I discuss child and childhood as a psycho-physical and existential category in contemporary poetry. The introductory remarks concern the evolution of the perception of that category. Childhood has never ... -
Czy potrzebna jest nam nowa teoria literatury?
(2003)Since the beginning of the 1960-ties, literature has appeared in its altered communicative situation in comparison to the centuries of its history. This otherness has been shaped by the more and more conspicuous presence ... -
„Ten nie jest z ojczyzny mojej...". Polacy i Żydzi w zwierciadle Holocaustu
(2003)In Polish social awareness, the extermination of Jews during the second world war and its circumstances has long after the war been treated as a taboo topic, not only due to censorship. The Polish assistance was idealised ... -
Elementy teologiczno-egzystencjalne w dzienniku wojennym Karola Ludwika Konińskiego - szkic interpretacyjny
(2003)The article attempts to analyse the key religious and philosophical issues which were included in Karol Ludwik Koniński’s war diary entitled Uwagi (Remarks) 1940-1942. The major motif of the analysed theological and ... -
Projekt krytyczny Pałuby Karola Irzykowskiego w kontekście historii filozofii
(2003)The subject matter of the paper is a brief presentation of philosophical objectives and the intellectual context of Karol Irzykowski’s novel entitled Paluba. The main goal of the author was to expose numerous deformations ... -
O śmiechu i okrucieństwie
(2003)The subject matter of the study is the category of “cruel laughter”, which is analysed foremost from the aesthetic and literary perspectives. The author makes a review of various theories on humour pondering on how ... -
Notatki do Notatek z nieudanych rekolekcji paryskich K. I. Gałczyńskiego
(2003)Personalism and existentialism are two essential ways to understand and explain ideas, axiological and philosophical assumptions contained in Notatki z nieudanych rekolekcji paryskich (The Notes from the Futile Parisian ... -
Metafora w reportażu lat 70. Polskie paradoksy?
(2003)The article touches upon the reality of the 70-ies of the twentieth century. It was only here, in the “most joyful of the socialist barracks'’ that such a success in fighting the censorship could have taken place as ... -
Między życiem a śmiercią - o cierpieniu i wolności wyboru (na podstawie Esther Stefana Chwina)
(2003)Esther by Chwin is a work of palimpsest nature, in which questions appear concerning suffering, lapse of time, pain, not only physical, but also existential. The characters of the novel are “dead alive”, or constantly ... -
Juliana Kawalca pieśń o starości
(2003)Constituting the background of the main theme, the first part of the article deals with several recent critical works on the subject. Among those are texts by Ryszard Przybylski entitled Baśń zimowa. Esej o starości ... -
Spór o poezję
(2003)In 1996, Czesław Milosz published the critical essays — Noty o Różewiczu (Notes about Różewicz and Różewicz w 1996 (Różewicz in 1996)-, in the volume 7o (This) he included two poems - Unde malum and Różewicz. There also ... -
Teraz poety, syna, starego człowieka - o sytuacjach granicznych i ciążeniu ku śmierci Tadeusza Różewicza (Matka odchodzi)
(2003)The article conducts a literary and philosophical analysis of Tadeusz Różewicz’s work Matka odchodzi. The poet emeritus, composing a sylphic threnody and directing reader’s attention to own family (especially mother), ... -
Drzwi do gier metafizycznych Różewicza
(2003)The famous Różewicz’s ambivalence "living without god is possible living without god is impossible" is the thematic core of this article. The structure of the world without god is possible. Impossible is the same truth. Who ... -
Słowo i obraz w poezji Stanisława Grochowiaka
(2003)The relation between the word and the image in Stanislaw Grochowiak’s poems is composed of several major layers. The first one consists of poems devoted to specific art work, the second comprises lyrics on artists and ... -
Nowa baśń. Strzyga Romana Zmorskiego i Wiedźmin Andrzeja Sapkowskiego
(2003)Andrzej Sapkowski’s story, which introduced wizard Geralt into Polish literature, is a transformed folk motif of a “princess — lamia” as recorded by Roman Zmorski in his literaiy version of the tale Strzyga. The ...