Studia Technica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 276
Możliwości i wykorzystanie energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce
(2014)The energy industry is the cornerstone of the economy of each country, because wind energy is used by all sectors of the economy commerce. It is possible to estimate the price of energy in the energy market and to adapt ... -
Sztuka w procesie wychowania młodzieży
(2014)Art can be a tool and a means of education in a totally new meaning. Two things are significant here: first, it affects the whole person and shapes his or her personality. Secondly, so far artistic products did not have ... -
Różnice w sprawności fizycznej i budowie morfologicznej dziewcząt niepodejmujących dodatkowej aktywności fizycznej w zależności od miejsca zamieszkania
(2014)It is a fact generally acknowledged on the basis of research that the pace of growing up and maturation are in great measure inherited characteristics. The development of efficiency is strictly connected with the development ... -
Szczegółowy sposób badania skuteczności i równomierności działania hamulców podczas przeprowadzania badania technicznego pojazdu
(2014)The methods for checking brakes – by roller devices for measuring braking forces – a quasistatic method, which consists in measuring the braking force with a small rotating wheel speed car, is presented. The disadvantage ... -
Weryfikacja metody aproksymacji połączonych (CA) w zagadnieniu własnym prostego trójwymiarowego modelu konstrukcji
(2014)In the paper combined approximations (CA) hybrid method is proposed as an effective reanalysis approach for computation of natural frequencies of the modified simple threedimensional structure. CA procedure is applied ... -
Rentgenowska mikrotomografia komputerowa w badaniu matrycowych postaci leku o kontrolowanym lub przedłużonym uwalnianiu
(2014)The article presents a short review of the application of X-ray microtomography to imaging of hydrated pharmaceutical matrix systems. They can be performed using “bench-top” scanners or synchrotrons. Data complementary ... -
Symulacja zjawiska superkawitacji z zastosowaniem programu SolidWorks
(2014)The paper presents the research of 3D supercavitating torpedo model. The computer simulations are carried out using SolidWorks software based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. The pressure distributions were ... -
Porównanie algorytmów genetycznych o stałej i zmiennej liczbie osobników
(2014)In the preset article two genetic algorithms are compared: with a fixed number of individuals and with a variable number of individuals. As fitness functions the following function are used: De Jong’, Rosenbrock’, ... -
Enhancing Education Quality by Using the Quality System and Excellence System in Higher Education Institutions
(2014)The present paper describes the way of implementing Quality Management System (QMS) according to ISO 9001 at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava and the experiences with its use. The implementation of QMS was ... -
Wspieranie rozwoju ucznia poprzez kształtowanie twórczości technicznej podstawowym zadaniem współczesnej szkoły
(2014)Everyone has a substantial creative ability. It can be boosted by suitable exercises and stimulating factors. Children’s creativity is different from adults’. Technical creativity manifests itself in thinking, acting and ... -
Rozwijanie twórczości technicznej uczniów klas 4–6 szkoły podstawowej w świetle podstawy programowej zajęć technicznych
(2014)Due to the dynamic technology development, technical creativity is currently a desirable quality. Technical creativity is defined as the act of thinking and acting, based on technical knowledge and skills, which results ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 158. Studia Technica 7
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2014) -
Analiza sygnału mowy metodą elektroglotografii - zastosowania praktyczne
(2008)This paper presents the essence of speech signal analysis performed with use of electroglottography. It is an instrumental analysis, which enables presentation of practical possibilities of using Laryngograph in the ... -
Analityczna metoda strojenia regulatorów cyfrowych i analogowych dla inercyjnych obiektów pierwszego rzędu z opóźnieniem
(2008)The article deals with the analytical digital and analog controller tuning method for the first order plus time delay plants. The described method is based on the real dominant multiple pole and the D-transform. The ... -
Udział technologii informacyjnych w kształceniu technicznym na poziomie szkoły podstawowej
(2008)The following article concerns the use of information technology at the first level of elementary school. Pupils who learn technical subjects in elementary school classes have the possibility to gain knowledge and develop ... -
Wybrane fizykochemiczne aspekty otrzymywania połączeń metal/ceramika
(2008)The joining of the aluminium with $Al_2O_3$ permits receiving materials with better utilitarian properties in the wide range of temperatures. These joints find applications in the new fields of technology and industry. ... -
Industrial wireless local area networks with smart sensor nodes
(2008)The article deals with the present state in the development of wireless sensor networks - (nodes), trends and new challenges in this interesting area. The highest priority of this smart instrumentation is the best operating ... -
Rola "szkoły pracy" w kształceniu technicznym
(2008)Technical education is often marginalized when it comes to a discussion about the evolution of education in Poland. This may cause anxiety. The presence of technical education in teaching programmes will allow pupils to ... -
The use of biofeedback technical devices in pedagogical practice and therapy
(2008)System Biofeedback rozumiany jest jako technika korzystania z informacyjnej roli pomiaru elektronicznego, w skład którego wchodzi aparatura elektroniczna służąca do wzmacniania, monitorowania i oceny reakcji fizjologicznych ... -
Zastosowanie kontrastu interferencyjno-różniczkowego Nomarskiego w badaniach mikrostruktury materiałów
(2008)This work presents applications of Nomarski DIC in studies of microstructure of various materials. The main idea of Nomarski DIC and its other applications are presented in the first part of the article. Low-carbon steel ...