Przeglądaj 2019, Studia Linguistica 14 według daty wydania
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(2019) -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 283. Studia Linguistica 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2019) -
Kilka uwag o dwujęzyczności dziewiętnastowiecznych mieszkańców wsi nadbużańskich w twórczości Leona Kunickiego (na przykładzie powieści Iwanko)
(2019)The article presents the phenomenon and mechanisms of the development of bilingualism among the nineteenth-century inhabitants of villages situated on the Bug River. The issue is principally exemplified by the novel ... -
Pięćdziesiąt lat minęło. O polskim dopełniaczu liczby pojedynczej raz jeszcze
(2019)1968 saw the publication of Józefa Kobylińska’s monograph entitled Rozwój form dopełniacza liczby pojedynczej rzeczowników rodzaju męskiego w języku polskim [The development of the forms of the genitive singular of ... -
Komponenty eksponujące cechę żeńskości w nazwach stowarzyszeń II Rzeczpospolitej
(2019)The material basis of the paper are the names of Polish female associations from the 30s of the 20th century. The analysis involves components used to expose feminine qualities – general names (kobieta, pani, niewiasta ... -
Imię teoforyczne Józef w strukturach antroponimicznych i toponimicznych Polski
(2019)The article presents the productivity of the name Józef and its variants in the creation of Polish personal and place names in the historical perspective, taking into account the frequency and geographical location of ... -
Wokół frazeologizmu zamienić się w słup soli
(2019)This paper is dedicated to the description of the idiomatic expression zamienić się w słup soli in contemporary Polish. First of all, the origin of this word combination was presented, and next – its lexicographic ... -
Koldras Lacki na Turbaczu
(2019)Professor Józefa Kobylińska, who was investigating her local dialect and Władysław Orkan’s language, paid attention to the writing on one of the rocks on Turbacz – Koldras Lacki, mentioned in W roztokach (1903), and ... -
O świadomości językowej Wincentego Pola (1807−1872)
(2019)Wincenty Pol was a writer and a learned geographer. His linguistic interests encompassed the origin of the Polish language linked with the history of Slavs, onomastics, the dialects of Polish and the need to legally ... -
Antropologia feministyczna i historia kobiet a onomastyka – miejsca wspólne (na przykładzie chrześcijańskich imion żeńskich obecnych w nazwach miejscowych)
(2019)The article is a fragment of the research project Names as the basis of Polish toponyms, conducted in the Department of Onomastics in the Institute of Polish Language in Kraków. It is also a continuation of the discussion ... -
Podmiotowość nadawcy w dawnym tekście naukowym na podstawie analizy manifestu pedagogicznego Janusza Korczaka Jak kochać dziecko. Dziecko w rodzinie
(2019)The article concerns the writer’s identity in the old scientific text in the light of Janusz Korczak’s work How to love a child. A child in the family. Attention was also paid to the roles which the author plays in the ... -
Wariantywność frazematyki w gwarach polskich
(2019)The article shows 12 dialectal phrasemes appearing in numerous variants concerning phonology (e.g. żarło/zarło), inflection (e.g. oko/oczy), word formation (e.g. woza/wózka) and lexis (most numerous). Euphemisms are ... -
Imiona krakowskich sióstr dominikanek (XVII-XVIII w.)
(2019)The article is a kind of complement to the publication of Prof. dr hab. Józefa Kobylińska on the names of the Dominican fathers from the 17th and 18th centuries (2018). The aim of this text is to analyse the names of the ... -
Słownictwo nacechowane emocjonalnie w poematach romantycznych
(2019)The article presents a great number of emotional words in 8 romantic poems by 7 poets. The collection contains almost 1100 words, among which dominate negative words. Some of these emotional words are old and disused in ... -
Semantyczna historia obieżyświata
(2019)The article concerns the semantic development of the compositum obieżyświat ‘a person who likes to travel a lot’. It is interesting that the first attestation of the word in Old Polish (from the 15th century) had a ... -
Na tropie ginących wyrazów gwarowych
(2019)The subject matter of the article is the problem of the dying dialectal words. The author of the article found such words, used only by elderly people, in the dictionary of M. Kucała Porównawczy słownik trzech wsi ... -
Jeszcze o nazwie Gniezno (próba syntezy)
(2019)Taking a synthetic approach, the author of the paper presents the explanations of the etymology of the geographical name Gniezno, which is present in historical literature and linguistic works, and has been the object ... -
Próba typologii tytułów (ideonimów) prozy Jana Wiktora
(2019)The paper contains some remarks on the titles (ideonyms) of the works by Jan Wiktor (1890–1967, mainly literary ones). The writer, who came from Radomysl (on the San River), was socially-oriented. He spent most of his ...