2005, Studia Philosophica 2
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Heraklit. Fragmenty kosmologiczne, ontologiczne i epistemologiczne. Wersja literacka
(2005)The article comprises translations of selected authentic fragments from Heraclitus’s work. In the recent translation of those fragments the emphasis is put on the literary aspect of language, which in the critical edition ... -
Konflikt między teoriami a ich wartość poznawcza za Karlem R. Popperem oraz Thomasem S. Kuhnem
(2005)Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn do not seem to fundamentally differ in their evaluation of truthfulness of academic statements. The conflict apparently concerns the goal of science and its cumulative nature. In Kuhn’s ... -
Eksplanacyjna wartość kategorii świadomości w interakcyjnym ujęciu relacji systemu społecznego i systemu kulturowego
(2005)The article is an outline of the process of socialization in the context of a certain image of co-existence of the system of culture and the social system. Assuming the interactive nature of the relationship between these ... -
Mit arkadyjski a (nie)możliwość powrotu do stanu "utraconej niewinności"
(2005)Arcadian myth occurs in the European culture in various forms. For example, it can express longing after life not affected by culture and civilisation (which is a tradition originating in Theocritus and Virgil), or on ... -
Fenomenologia utopii
(2005)Utopia undergoes constant evolution, and when we consider the work by leading utopian philosophers we can draw certain generalisations within the genre, and we can determine the main objective which is self-knowledge in ... -
"Moje ciało i ja" - człowiek współczesny w poszukiwaniu własnej tożsamości
(2005)The present diagnosis of the bodily identity of a contemporary man is discussed in the philosophical and cultural perspective. The author of the paper analyses symptoms of various relationships and attitudes of the modem ... -
Czas komunikacji - czas prawdy. O Jaspersa ujęciu prawdy jako powstającej w komunikacji
(2005)The article presents Karl Jaspers’ idea of truth, which is linked with communicating and the temporal being of the man. “To be oneself and to be genuinely so, does not mean anything else but unconditional being in ... -
Samotność jednostki (Z myśli Karla Jaspersa)
(2005)Solitude arises from an individual character of the human being: to be oneself means to be alone. Jaspers considers, however, that being oneself genuinely is possible only thanks to other and together with him. Jaspers ... -
Metoda porządku fizyczno-moralnego Hugona Kołłątaja
(2005)The work deals with the idea of physical and moral order by Hugo Kollataj, which was applied to his ethical considerations (moral philosophy). The conception assumes existence of a certain universal order and common rules ... -
Negacja noumenu i jej konsekwencje. Kwestia obiektywności poznania w szkole marburskiej
(2005)The article deals with the key concept of noumenon in Kant’s philosophy and consequences of its transposition by philosophers from Marburg school of neo-Kantianism, especially Cohen and Natorp. Assuming the existence of ... -
Rola wyobraźni w transcendentalnej dedukcji kategorii. Interpretacja fragmentu Krytyki czystego rozumu według wyd. A.
(2005)The article presents some aspects of transcendental deduction of category and against this background it demonstrates the role of imagination. Imagination, which is mentioned by Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason as one ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 30. Studia Philosophica 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2005)