Przeglądaj 2006, Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 4 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 28
Analiza jakości i użyteczności informacji wybranych zasobów WWW małopolskich bibliotek
(2006)This article presents an analysis of the quality and usefulness of information from randomly selected websites of the Małopolska libraries. On the basis of a wide choice of the subject literature, a synthesis of the ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 39. Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2006) -
Biblioteka im. Emilii i Eustachego Wróblewskich w Wilnie
(2006)This article presents the history of the Wróblewski Library in Vilnius from the beginning of its existence to October 1939, i.e. the capture of the city by the Soviet army, when the occupational authorities decided to ... -
Biblioteka Muzeum Techniczno-Przemysłowego w Krakowie (1868–1950). Zarys dziejów
(2006)The Museum of Technology and Industry in Krakow – the first museum of this kind in Poland – founded by dr. Adrian Baraniecki, was provided with a library from the beginning of existence. In 1868 the library consisted of ... -
Ciekawość książek w świetle Gabriela Naudé Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque
(2006)Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque by Gabriel Naudé possesses features that make this work especially attractive for a “book anthropologist”. The author searches for holistic principles that would enable the understanding ... -
"Cuda Polski" Rudolfa Wegnera: historia edycji
(2006)The series “Wonders of Poland: the Beauty of Nature, Human Achievements, Historical Art and Architecture” was published in the inter–war period by Rudolf Wegner’s Wydawnictwo Polskie (the Polish Printing House) in Poznań. ... -
Ferdynand Lassalle jako czytelnik książek (w świetle wydanego we Lwowie dzieła Hermanna Onckena Lassalle i katalogu sporządzonego ręką Grafin Hatzfeldt)
(2006)The article is based on the following materials: Hermann Oncken’s Lassalle, published in Lviv; Grafin Hatzfeldt’s “Bucher Catalog 24 October 1856”, stored in the Manuscripts Department of the University Library in Wrocław ... -
"Formuła Lymphatera" Stanisława Lema - zapomniana opowieść o Ijonie Tichym?
(2006)In 1961 Stanisław Lem published a collection of stories entitled The Book of Robots, which, among other short prose forms, included the first printed appearance of Lymphater’s Formula. It was preceded by an inscription ... -
Krakowska prasa katolicka u schyłku XX wieku
(2006)The catholic press in Krakow in the years 1989-1998 was a unique phenomenon in the scale of the whole country. It stood out both in terms of numbers and circulation, and in terms of diversity. Statistically (214 titles) ... -
Krakowska prasa reklamowa i reklama na łamach krakowskiej prasy w latach 1989-1998
(2006)The advertising publications practically did not exist in the times of PRL, as marketing was not required in a centrally-planned economy. In 1990, together with the introduction of economic reforms and redirecting the ... -
Kształtowanie postawy kreatywnej użytkowników informacji na przykładzie doświadczeń bibliotek duńskich i holenderskich
(2006)The clients of modern libraries have precisely defined needs, and the existence of libraries depends on the way in which those needs are satisfied. An unquestionable determinant of the library functioning is the adoption ... -
Kulisy wydania wspomnień Władysława Wagnera Pokusa horyzontu
(2006)The story of a scout, Władysław Wagner, sailing around the world heated the imagination of the young Poles in 1930s. A 20-year-old sailor made his teenage dreams come true, thanks to his stubbornness, strength of character ... -
Margarita Iwanowna Rudomino - twórczyni wielkiej biblioteki
(2006)The biography of Margarita Ivanovna Rudomino (1900–1990), the founder and for many years director of the Russian State Library for Foreign Literature in Moscow, is presented. The history and current state of this library ... -
Mickiewiczowskie archiwalia w Wilnie
(2006)This article presents the archival materials concerning Adam Mickiewicz that have been stored until today in libraries and archives of Vilnius. They relate to the period of Mickiewicz’s studies in Seminarium dla Kandydatów ... -
O książce masońskiej słów kilka (w związku ze zbiorami masoniców Wojewódzkiej i Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Łodzi)
(2006)This article is devoted to a rather unknown subject – the Masonic book. The author briefly presents the history and the ideological foundation of Freemasonry, taking into account two main branches, the Anglo-Saxon one ... -
Obraz kultury i literatury na łamach "Ilustrowanego Kuriera Codziennego" w latach 1918-1939 (wyniki analizy prasoznawczej)
(2006)“Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny”, being a popular daily, displayed all the features of a social-political newspaper. The sensational nature of the news, typical of “IKC”, gave the newspaper the character of a popular ...