Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 8723
Zaburzenia głosu i artykulacji w drżeniu samoistnym
(2016)Essential Tremor is categorised as one of the most commonly occurring kinds of extrapyramidal system disorders. The basic symptoms of the disease include upper limbs tremor, head and voice tremor. The disorder affects ... -
Lingwistyka edukacyjna a neurobiologia procesu uczenia się
(2016)The paper shows the role of neurobiological foundations of the process of learning in educational linguistics. Knowledge from the sphere of neurobiology not only completes but also changes the way of perceiving linguistic ... -
Formy adresatywne w wybranych odcinkach. programu telewizyjnego Europa da się lubić
(2016)The article discusses adressative forms (FA) in several episodes of ‘Europe Is Likeable’ TV programme. The most common forms are those that define equivalent relationships. By contrast, FA showing a subordinate relationship ... -
Językowe wartościowanie leksemu „prawda” za pomocą wyrażeń metaforycznych w wybranych homiliach i przemówieniach Jana Pawła II
(2016)The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the lexeme ‘truth’ is responsible for expressing ethical values when it is used within metaphorical phrases in the homilies of Pope John Paul II during his pilgrimages to Poland. ... -
Wartości i wartościowanie w języku dzieci – dobro i zło
(2016)This article shows the linguistic view of an angel and the devil created by words of children (10–12 years old). The child's vision of an angel and the devil is affected by stereotypical perceptions, deeply rooted in our ... -
Narracja pierwszoosobowa w Pamiętniku Piotra Wysockiego (1830)
(2016)Currently there are many aspects of description of the speech genre (especially within the area of the main narrative elements). One of the approaches is the analysis of the distinctive features of the genre (in the case ... -
Dyskurs edukacyjny jako „trzecia robota rozumu”
(2016)The teaching character of educational discourse as ‘the third work of reason’ means such transferring and transforming specialized discourses to transfer knowledge to less educated receivers. Such rules of producing ... -
PAN – losy wyrazu
(2016)The word pan which was attested already in Latin texts in the second half of the 13th century and which was borrowed by neighbouring languages as a title and an adressative form shared the history of the Polish people ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 192. Studia Logopaedica 5. In memoriam Maria Rachwał
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016)Nawiązując do dobrych obyczajów akademickich, dbając jednocześnie o pamięć i najlepsze imię zmarłej przed ponad rokiem Pani Doktor Marii Rachwał, długoletniego pracownika Katedry Języka Polskiego oraz Katedry Logopedii ... -
Opóźniony rozwój mowy – etiologia, diagnoza, terapia
(2017)Authoresses has described the growth of speech in linguistic, philosophical and psychological aspects. They have shown the speech and thinking contexts of known scientific theories and have pointed the neurobiological ... -
Pierścień Waldeyera w świetle praktyki logopedycznej – ujęcie anatomiczno-czynnościowe
(2017)The text presents a reflection on the problems of children’s laryngolgy practice in speech therapy. The authoress discusses the effects of language acquisition due to adenoid hypertrophy, which is a part of the Waldeyer’s ... -
Stymulacja rozwoju językowego i emocjonalnego dziecka poprzez zastosowanie logopedycznej bajki terapeutycznej
(2017)In contemporary speech therapy there is a need for new, effective methods and tools for preventive and therapeutic action, especially in the case of children. A good practice is the use of fairy-tale therapy in logopaedics, ... -
Teoria relewancji w badaniu kompetencji komunikacyjnej chorych z niedosłuchem w następstwie otosklerozy. Projekt badawczy
(2017)The aim of the research project is to prove that “the theory of relevance” by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson might have its functional use for research on the communication competence. It seems essential to use the theory ... -
Przegląd badań dotyczących dysfunkcji mowy związanych z zaburzeniami oddychania
(2017)The author discusses the function of breathing as one of the primary functions. She demonstrates the relationship between the physiological functions of breathing, rest position of the tongue and swallowing, and the ... -
Metodyka logopedyczna w przypadku osób po laryngektomii całkowitej
(2017)The article addresses the methodology for speech therapy for patients after total laryngectomy. It takes into account the explanation of basic concepts: methods, methods and methodologies. It is then made description of ... -
Metodologiczne aspekty badania tempa wypowiedzi (ujęcie neurolingwistyczne)
(2017)The article shows the research methodology of the tempo of utterance which is a relatively young research field. It also emphasizes the difference between the tempo of speech and the tempo of utterance. The tempo of ... -
Niemówienie i niemowność – treść i zakres pojęć
(2017)The article contains the lexical and semantical analysis of the terms mutism and muteness. It tries to define them from the point of view of modern linguistics and takes into consideration their speech therapy background ...