Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1001-1020 z 8723
Romantyzm krańców Europy. Portugalia, Polska i Chrystus narodów
(2021)This article tentatively provides a comparative outlook on Polish and Portuguese Romanticism. Taking as a starting point the famous parallel between the opposite ends of Europe sketched by the 19th-century historian ... -
Rozmówki polsko-hiszpańskie. Problemy językowe i próby ich przezwyciężenia podejmowane przez polskich uczestników hiszpańskiej wojny o niepodległość w świetle materiałów wspomnieniowych
(2021)The article presents selected mechanisms of communication between the Polish participants of the Napoleonic campaign in 1808–1812 and the local population behind the Pyrenees.The sources of information were the memoirs ... -
O wpływie spuścizny Świętej Teresy z Ávili na piśmiennictwo i kulturę polskiego baroku
(2021)The subject of this article is to discuss the penetration of influences of Spanish mysticism, in particular, the works of Saint Teresa of Ávila, on the literature and culture of the Polish Baroque. The intercultural ... -
La imagen de Polonia y de los polacos en los libros de caballerías españoles
(2021)Geografia świata przedstawionego w hiszpańskich romansach rycerskich zwykła łączyć przestrzenie prawdziwe bądź takimi inspirowane z innymi, całkowicie zmyślonymi, czystymi owocami fantazji autorów. Z reguły toponimy ... -
Skąd wziął się w Krakowie traktat Franciszka Eiximenisa Ars praedicandi populo? Trzy możliwe drogi
(2021)This article aims to present three hypotheses about how the preaching treatise of the Catalan author, Francesc Eiximenis, entitled Ars praedicandi populo, ended up in Krakow in the library of Mikołaj Spycymir. For this ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 327. Studia Historicolitteraria 21
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2021) -
Vanishing Taste: On the Sensual Experience of an Artwork
(2018)The main aim of the article is to analyse the uniqueness of taste experience and its presence in contemporary art. Ephemerality of the sensual experience becomes an important challenge for researchers, art historians, ... -
Artistic Education and the Artist’s Work: the Way out of Producing Objects
(2018)In this article, the changes of the principles of teaching art in the 20th century are discussed. The artist’s path from producing objects to conducting sensory experiences, from producing representations of reality to ... -
Instructive Invisibility: Paradoxical Sub-Pedagogy of Janusz Orbitowski
(2018)The text focuses on Janusz Orbitowski, a Krakow-based painter of geometric abstraction, and on his teaching methods at the Academy of Fine Arts. This discussion is combined with interpretation of his works. Orbitowski’s ... -
Guerrilla Girls: Invisible Sex in the Field of Art
(2018)The article focuses on an artist and activist collective Guerrilla Girls, created in 1985 in order to fight discrimination in the art field. It presents the group’s strategies, using selected actions as examples. The ... -
Perfoactivism: from Three Weeks in May to The Museum of Arte Útil
(2018)From the very beginning, performance art has been anti-institutional and counter-cultural. Because of that performance artists tended to look for other channels to achieve visibility, often intentionally avoiding it. ... -
Coincidentia oppositorum: The Works of Giovanni Anselmo between the Visible and the Invisible
(2018)The Italian artist Giovanni Anselmo (b. Borgofranco d’Ivrea, 1934) was a member of Arte Povera group, which was put together by Germano Celant back in 1967. Anselmo has addressed the invisible in art since the beginning ... -
Disappearing Objects in Georges Didi‑Huberman’s Curatorial Practices
(2018)In this essay, I undertake an analysis of the first exhibition curated by Didi‑ Huberman, L’Empreinte (Imprint), which took place in Centre Pompidou in 1997. In this project, the French philosopher and art historian ... -
The Private Hidden Art of Janusz Kaczorowski
(2018)Artistic practice of Janusz Kaczorowski, of which only a few traces remain in the collections of institutions and in private hands, is characterised by surprisingly high quality of intellectual reflection. With his ... -
Artiste Anonyme / Anonymous Conceptual Artist / Umjetnik u krizi: Goran Trbuljak’s Names and Namelessness
(2018)Goran Trbuljak (b. 1948) is recognized as one of the central figures of Yugoslav Nova umjetnička praksa (New Art Practice), primarily for his early works that engaged in a questioning of the status of the figure of the ... -
Art, Memory and Angel by Czesław Dźwigaj
(2018)The article analyses the process of implementing the idea of commemorating the victims of December 70 in Szczecin. Disputes, discussions and decisions accompanying this monument are doubly symptomatic: they reveal a ... -
Invisible Violence: Drone Warfare and Landscape after 9/11
(2018)The paper investigates representations of landscape in selected examples of contemporary artworks that were produced in the aftermath of and in direct response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war on ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 264. Studia de Arte et Educatione 13. Hide-and-seek: Absence, Invisibility, and Contemporary Art Practices
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2018)The 13th issue of the Journal of the Faculty of Art at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione,” addresses invisibility and absence in contemporary ...