Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 421-440 z 8723
From Pavlov to EEG Biofeedback
(2016)The study presents achievements of Polish scientists in the field of EEG Biofeedback method. Thanks to them the interdisciplinary character of this method was developed. EEG Biofeedback method is based on solid scientific ... -
Poziomowa periodyzacja rozwoju podstawą psychologii naukowej
(2016)A central problem of development psychology is a division of ontogenesis into periods. It concerns not only to the division of life course in separate periods but first of all to the constructing a theory which would ... -
Measurement techniques in solid oxide fuel cells: infrared thermal imaging
(2016)Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are high temperature electrochemical devices, which convert the energy of a chemical reaction directly into electricity. The long-term performance of fuel cells is strictly related to both ... -
Discovering mechatronics with children
(2016)Universities of Children are a new form of developing the interests of children by regular meetings at universities and other institutions of culture (e.g. at the Pedagogical University of Cracow or in Wadowice Culture ... -
Sentence Completion Program as effective on-line coaching as exemplified by Nathaniel Branden’s program for improving self-esteem
(2016)Sentence Completion Program is technique, which help people to strengthen their self-esteem. Participants of Program each day of week ended special selected sentences to develop their self-conscious, facilitate ... -
Fast Algorithms for Reliability Importance Index Evaluation
(2016)Nowadays the reliability of products is of interest of their designers and users. It concerns any area of products, from simple home electronic devices to complex and critical industrial systems like atomic power plants ... -
Výchova a vzdelávanie učiteľov k BOZP vo vzťahu k školským aktivitám
(2016)Education and training of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is the core knowledge for systematic development of professional knowledge and skills. Apart from creating a favourable social environment of awareness and ... -
Podpora profesijnej orientácie žiakov základných škôl na odborné vzdelávanie a rozvoj pracovných zručností žiakov v technickom vzdelávaní
(2016)The primary school education system should mirror the current needs of the society. Students should be trained for future professions. It is important for them to be able to function in the future labor market. Professional ... -
Психологическая характеристика детей, рожденных с задержкой развития плода
(2016)The article describes the features of the process of psychosocial adaptation of children born with fetal growth retardation (IUGR). We consider the psychological characteristics of this group of children at different ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 204. Studia Technica 9
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016) -
Organiczne diody elektroluminescencyjne – nowa generacja ekranów wideo
(2013)The paper presents problems related to the achievement of the organic LED's technological level allowing their use in imaging systems. Discussed problems resulting the current addressing on phosphors sustainability. ... -
Technika w podnoszeniu jakości życia osób niewidomych – przykłady praktyczne
(2013)The papers presents possibilities of a new technique in improvement of people with eyes defect life quality usage. The sensor defect and its influence on functioning of person with such disability is described. Three ... -
Dobór nastaw cyfrowych i analogowych regulatorów PI 2DOF dla obiektu całkującego z opóźnieniem
(2013)The paper is devoted to the unified approach to the tuning of the digital and analog PI controllers with two-degrees-of-freedom by the multiple dominant pole method for integrating plants with a time delay on the basis ... -
Regulatory analogowe o dwóch stopniach swobody
(2013)Controllers with two-degree-of-freedom have recently been more and more frequently available. Description of their operation has not been worked out in literature up to now. The aim of the paper is to show the basic ... -
Techniki jonowe w inżynierii powierzchni
(2013)In this work the basis of ion beam techniques used in surface engineering are presented. The main ion beam method applied to modify the properties of the materials surface and/or to form the coating on the surface are ... -
Analiza funkcji rozkładu orientacji krystalitów. Opracowanie programu komputerowego
(2013)An example of the texture analysis based on the graphical representations of the orientation distribution function has been presented in the paper. -
Zastosowanie wgłębnika Vickersa do pomiaru odporności na pękanie powierzchniowe spieków ceramicznych
(2013)Results of research into determination of indentation fracture toughness measurement of advanced ceramics for example of $α-Al_2O_3$ and $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2$ composite has been presented in this work. Indentation fracture ... -
Electron structure of $ScFe_2Si_2$ compound: theory and experiment
(2013)For the first time, for a compound with the $HfFe_2S_2$ structure it is established on the basis of X-ray emission spectroscopy the structure of valence band. Band structure and theoretical spectra of X-ray emission bands ... -
Charakterystyka małej elektrowni wiatrowej o pionowej osi obrotu na przykładzie turbiny Savoniusa
(2013)This article describes the construction, advantages and disadvantages of a small vertical wind turbine with savonius rotor. There is also presented the results of comparison of two wind turbines: vertical and horizontal ... -
Zapotrzebowanie energetyczne budynku jednorodzinnego w kontekście dyrektyw Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady Unii Europejskiej w sprawie ograniczenia zużycia energii i zmniejszenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych
(2013)This article aims to show how committed errors and inaccuracies during construction of the building and during the design phase impact on the energy demand of residential building and its operating costs. The issue of ...